
Latest version: v1.0.1

Safety actively analyzes 665719 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Adds Python 3.12 support
- Bumps woodchips to v1 to match supported python versions for this package


- Drops support for Python 3.7


- Adds a missing timeout to retrieving the list of proxies


- Adds concurrency to speed up validating proxies. This brings finding a valid proxy from `~1.5 minutes` down to just `~4-20 seconds` depending on the available proxies at the time
- Bumps thread count from `10` to `20`
- Bumps timeout to validate a proxy from `0.5` to `1` second with no filters and `3` to `2` seconds with filters
- Exposes `list_proxies` and `validate_proxy` functions which were previously internal
- Adds timers to test results and brings coverage to 100%


- Adds debug logging
- Fixes a bug that would choose an incorrect random proxy after finding a verified entry, this fix greatly increases the reliability of this package
- Other small improvements to increase performance


- Adds `country` parameter to filter proxies by their two digit ISO country codes
- Adds `google_verified` parameter to filter proxies by if they are google verified or not
- Adds altered timeout logic (shorter timeouts for larger proxy pools to get to a working proxy faster, longer timeouts when the proxy pool is smaller to offset the difference and get a working proxy back to you)

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