
Latest version: v0.3.1

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* Issue 24: Infinite loop getting proxy if no proxies available
* Issue 23: sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError: Entity ProviderRequest has no property 'country'



* Issue 5: NordVPN support
* Issue 16: Filter by provider in ProxiesList
* Issue 20: Remove old tests and fix TestProvider
* Issue 17: maxmind geoip2 should be optional
* Issue 22: Get country in Proxynova provider
* Issue 19: Proxynova has changed its script element
* Issue 18: Download geoip2 using maxmind license
* Issue 15: Migrate database schema
* Issue 14: Serve web docs
* Issue 13: Create docs
* Issue 6: Countries list



* Issue 12: Invalid proxynova row



* Fixed infinite recursion loop when a country doesn't have any proxy.
* Now raises an StopIteration exception instead of just breaking the loop.



* Fix Python2 support.



* Fix Python2 support and requirements file in MANIFEST.

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