
Latest version: v0.11.1

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- 🎨 lint: pre-commit autoupdate + typing fixes
- 🐛 Fix label color for chart zones
- 🚀 Bump patch version and update CHANGELOG



- ⚡️ Use simple **1D interpolator** to project lines, instead of `scipy.interpolate.interp1d`
- ✅ Add tests for convex hulls of given points
- ⚡️ Use simple **convex hull algorithm**, to compute zones to group annotated points, instead of using `scipy.spatial.ConvexHull`
- 📦️ Bump version, removing `scipy` dependency


Move to recent versions of `pydantic`, and also upgrade internal _linters_, moving to `ruff-format`


- 📦️ env: Bump version and upgrade deps, requiring `pydantic` v2
- ♻️ **Migrate pydantic v2 syntax** for validators, parsers, serializers, model load/dump methods, etc.
- 🎨 lint: pre-commit update, moving to `ruff-format`
- 🎨 lint: Apply format changes and lint fixes
- 📝 Update CHANGELOG
- 👷 ci: Split actions for tests on PRs and publish package on main


From tadashiorigami in 44, thanks!


- ✨ Add styling for annotations (labeled curves in the chart), customizing their **font-size, color, and bbox style**.
- 🔧 Support negative `constant_h_labels_loc` settings, to strech the constant h line to the left inside the saturated area, giving the chart an aspect closer to the popular ASHRAE chart.
- ✅ Add unit test with example from tadashiorigami, with styled annotations with bbox and hack for negative constant_h_labels_loc
- 📦️ Bump version and update matplotlib to 3.8.0



- 🎨 lint: pre-commit autoupdate
- 📦️ env: Bump patch version and fix deps with pydantic version < v2, and enabling new Python 3.12
- 📝 Update CHANGELOG



- ✨ Add new kind of overlay **zone 'dbt-wmax'**, to define chart areas delimited between db-temps and absolute humidity values, solving 28
- 🐛 Enable zones defined by 2 points (assume a rectangle defined by left-bottom/right-top coords)
- 🐛 Fix logic for plot regeneration, to plot again if config changes _AFTER_ plotting the chart
- 🐛 Fix ZoneStyle definition when linewidth is 0 and linestyle remains the default (passing inconsistent params to matplotlib)

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