* Update GitHub Actions for publishing releases to PyPI
* Update installation instructions to use current django url syntax * Update sample login template to use correct django admin `extrastyle` block * Update styles and wording for PU CAS login include template
--- * Now tested against Django 3.2-4.2 * Add testing for Python 3.9-3.11 * Using GitHub Actions for continuous integration
---- * Drop support for Python 2.7 * No longer tested against Django 1.8-1.10; now tested against 3.0 and 3.1 * Add testing for Python 3.8 * Default branch name for current release is now **main**
----- * Add support for multiple fallbacks on LDAP attributes. See `PR 3 <https://github.com/Princeton-CDH/django-pucas/pull/>`_. * Improve handling for missing LDAP attributes. * Now requires django-cas-ng 3.6 or greater. * Document tested Django and Python versions.