* django app `crawler` displays a home page (but links broken)
* django app `miner` has working management commands (dbstats)
* django project `crawlnmine` has working settings and admin site (sqlite)
* no admin site for crawler or miner yet
* `miner/fixtures/initial_data.json` contains 1000+ wikipedia article texts plus a json string with word counts
* nlp/db.py and pug/db/*.py have some overlap
* nlp/parse.py functions named to continue the `parse` verb (parse_.. prefix removed)
* miner/tests.py pass
* some doctests pass
* decision_tree untested
* StaticView
* base.html
* d3.js, bootstrap.js
* connections.html: static scikit ml decision tree, decision_tree.py run on miner db?
* line.html: plot of a word frequency over time in wikipedia
* forms to configure/control wikiscrapy using programatic calls of scrapy-ws.py from view/form