- a098c23: fix some issues with config, simulation. added usage to docs (Brandon Silva)
- 0dfc9c9: add readthedocs config file to load api pages (Brandon Silva)
- 0da07d9: get readthedocs to build project properly (Brandon)
- 4899e72: trying to get readthedocs to build api properly (Brandon)
- 0fdbea3: fix some issues with output generationg and pytest (Brandon) [54](
- b6b89de: fix bug in calculating tracker inflation costs, removed (Brandon) [54](
- b8a9221: added some information about the base case simulation in assumptions (Brandon Silva)
- 7cab00d: add contribution guidelines (Brandon Silva) [56](
- a8e6e57: Update issue templates (Brandon)
- a1c2567: add how to contribute to docs (Brandon Silva) [56](
- 7f6cece: fix long description (Brandon Silva)
- e73ff6a: bump version for pypi release (Brandon Silva)
- e8035a5: black mistmatch (Brandon Silva)
- 75e52c7: minor edits to paper, add y label to lcoe box plot (Brandon)