All non-CJK fonts in one archive.
`open-fonts.tar.bz2` (0.7.0) SHA256: 19a1efab8ae1fa7b5fe21fbf3796b4a6eca736540f521ac847c2034f852fbc2f
`open-fonts.tar.xz` (0.7.0) SHA256: 34929b76bbe0673f46ee68c0258ccdeeb53f7e8db1445640d816d0f80e7a88fc
- bugfixed Inconsolata Sugar (added \`)
- updated Robotization Mono to v.3 Roboto Mono. Now it has all weights of Roboto Mono.
- added Source Code Pro in addition to Sourcing Code Pro
- added Emoji: Symbola (black and white), Twemoji Mozilla (color)
- added XITS and XITS Math (in OTF and TTF variants)
- renamed TTF for STIX Two: ST1X Two Text => XITS Two Text, ST1X Two Math => XITS Two Math
- added Libertinus Math (in OTF and TTF variants). added Libertinus Serif (OTF). Renamed TTF: Linus Libertini => Linus Libertinus. Removed Linus Libertini O.
- added Bengali, Georgian, Tamil
All CJK fonts in one archive.