
Latest version: v1.2.1

Safety actively analyzes 622315 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Added support to group commands to run together using the new group separator symbol (:::)

pyallel "echo boil kettle" "sleep 1" ::: "echo make coffee"

The above will print `boil kettle` and sleep for 1 second first before printing `make coffee`

Command groups are ran in the sequence you provide them, and if a command group fails
(if a command fails inside the command group) the rest of the command groups in the sequence are not run


- Changed how commands are run to support shell syntax (this allows things like pipes, redirection and &&/|| to be used in commands for greater flexibility)
- Removed `--verbose` flag as it is no longer used


First major release :tada:



Has known vulnerabilities

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