This is the second release of pyct, still an early stage project subject to breaking changes. Please see for more information about pyct.
pyct is available via pip from pypi (`pip install pyct`) and via conda from the pyviz channel (`conda install -c pyviz pyct`).
Backwards incompatible changes since the previous release (v0.4.3):
* `pyct.cmd.add_pv_commands()` renamed to `add_commands`; interface modified to better match `pyct.cmd.substitute_main()` (note: requires change in user code, if anyone is using that function; 43)
* The `pyct` pip package now has no dependencies; to get access to the user commands, include the `cmd` dependencies (e.g. `pip install pyct[cmd]`). In contrast, all dependencies are included in the `pyct` conda package; the dependency free package is `pyct-core`.
Other changes since previous release:
* pyct uses pyproject.toml and hence expects python package builders to have pip>=10 and setuptools
* License now included in wheels (40)
Full list of changes since the previous release: