New Features
- Add a new function for getting Daymet data from Microsoft's
`Planetary Computer <https://planetarycomputer.microsoft.com/dataset/group/daymet>`__
called ``get_bystac``. Although this function can be much faster than
``get_bygeom``, currently, it gives access to Daymet v4.2 from 1980
to 2020. As discussed
`here <https://github.com/microsoft/PlanetaryComputer/discussions/311>`__,
the Daymet v4.5 will be added to the Planetary Computer in the future.
Until then, for accessing the latest version of Daymet (v4.5) you need to
use ``get_bygeom``. Additionally, this function requires ``fsspec``,
``dask``, ``zarr``, and ``pystac-client`` packages.
- Make ``separate_snow`` a standalone, pure, and public function.
Now, it can be used like so: ``pydaymet.separate_snow``.
- Change the length unit from ``km`` to ``m`` for ``get_bygeom``.
Internal Changes
- The ``potential_et`` function uses ``py3dep.add_elevation`` function
but the CRS info gets lost in the process for the new ``elevation``
variable. This version fixes this issue by adding the CRS info to
the ``elevation`` variable.
- Change ``PetParams`` class from ``NamedTuple`` to ``dataclass``
for better performance and consistency. Now, it has a new
``classmethod`` called ``fields`` that returns a list of
the four fields of the class.