Breaking changes
- `StyleObject` from `pydom.styling` is renamed to `StyleSheet`
- `class_name` is replaced with `classes` to be the default property for the `class` attribute in html.
- Package is now `pydom` on pypi! (Huge thanks to [Jos Handriks]( for giving us the name)
Class name migration guide
You can use the following code to the context to keep using `class_name` instead of `classes`
from pydom import get_context
from pydom.context.standard.transformers.class_transformer import ClassTransformer
class_transformer = next(t for t in get_context().prop_transformers if isinstance(t, ClassTransformer))
if class_transformer:
class_transformer.prop_name = "class_name"
- `before` and `after` when adding post render transformers
- `Page` is now exported from the root module
**Full Changelog**: