- Dropped support for Python 2.7 and 3.6. [PR `459`_]
- Moved chaos pendulum example to Sphinx docs.
- Added Astrobee example [PR `453`_]
- Added the ability to pass optional arguments to the ODE solver in System. [PR
- Cylinders, Spheres, and Circles loaded via PyThreeJS will appear more round.
[PR `440`_]
- Added a Carvallo-Whipple bicycle example to the documentation [PR `442`_]
- Oldest supported dependencies for Python 3 are aligned with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
For Python 2, the oldest necessary dependencies are used if the ones for
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS are too new. [PR `432`_]
- Dropped support for Python 3.5 [PR `429`_]
- Improved the README and documentation integration. [PR `424`_]
- Moved some examples to Sphinx [PRs `421`_, `423`_]
- jupyter-sphinx enabled for examples in the documentation [PR `419`_]
- Added an example with no constraints that uses ``display_jupyter()`` for
animation. [PR `418`_]
- Added an example that has both configuration and motion constraints.
[PR `417`_]
- ``display_jupyter()`` method added to ``Scene`` that utilizes pythreejs for
animating a system. [PR `416`_]
- Remove support for required dependencies prior to those in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.
[PR `415`_]
- Recommend installing from Conda Forge [PR `411`_]
.. _459: https://github.com/pydy/pydy/pull/459
.. _453: https://github.com/pydy/pydy/pull/453
.. _447: https://github.com/pydy/pydy/pull/447
.. _442: https://github.com/pydy/pydy/pull/442
.. _440: https://github.com/pydy/pydy/pull/440
.. _432: https://github.com/pydy/pydy/pull/432
.. _429: https://github.com/pydy/pydy/pull/429
.. _424: https://github.com/pydy/pydy/pull/424
.. _423: https://github.com/pydy/pydy/pull/423
.. _421: https://github.com/pydy/pydy/pull/421
.. _419: https://github.com/pydy/pydy/pull/419
.. _418: https://github.com/pydy/pydy/pull/418
.. _417: https://github.com/pydy/pydy/pull/417
.. _416: https://github.com/pydy/pydy/pull/416
.. _415: https://github.com/pydy/pydy/pull/415
.. _411: https://github.com/pydy/pydy/pull/411