- Correctly calculate direction of ``Observation``'s ``gaze_3d_pair`` lines - 47 - Cleanup build and transition to `Pupil Labs Python module skeleton <https://github.com/pupil-labs/python-module-skeleton>`_ structure - #44 and 49 - Add :ref:`examples` - 45 - Remove need to build and link OpenCV - 61
- Change refraction model serialization from pickle to msgpack - 38
- Lower 3d search confidence results by 40% - 36
- Extracted source install instructions into ``INSTALL_SOURCE.md`` - Added ``Codestyle: Black`` badge to ``READEME.md`` - Fixed Github Action badge in ``READEME.md`` indicating status of the build pipeline
- Use long-term-model pupil-circle normal for gaze direction when frozen - 31 - Set ``model_confidence`` to 0.1 if parameter is out of physiological range - 35 - Improve integration tests - 33, 34