* Doc improvements: add property callback, fix prints, examples into examples folder
* added testing with Py3.12, drop Py 3.7 in Github Action
* updated to Github Actions workflow, including building procServ in the workflow
* added darwinarm, psutil, numpydoc to setup.cfg
* replaced deprecated pkg_resources.resource_filename with importlib.resources.files
* added libca.dylib for Darwin/MacOs on arm64 processors
* updated clib_search_path() to be able to automatically find darwin arm64 dynamic libs
* fixed Alarm to use pv.name instead of pv.pvname
* fixed for text encoding and IOENCODING, and removing use of `six`.
* fixed for Device/SRS570 attributes
* fixed string.format() to use 'd' for int to string
* prevent unsubscribing events from a cleared channel
* added clear_pvcache() function