==================== Ensure that pyerfa is only built with the limited API if the environment variable ``Py_GIL_DISABLED`` is not set.
==================== Reintroduces a work-around such that pyerfa can also be built on older numpy.
==================== No new features, but wheels that are compatible with numpy 2.0 as well as older supported versions of numpy 1.x.
==================== Failed attempt to create wheels compatible with numpy 2.0. Yanked from pypi.
==================== - Ensured pyerfa works on PyPy too with the Python limited API. [gh-120] - Ensure any non-contigous multi-dimensional inputs are recognized properly, so that, e.g., a non-contiguous matrix is copied as needed before input to the erfa functions. [gh-124]
- Bundled liberfa version update to v2.0.1, which is derived from SOFA version 19 (20231011), which has a few bug fixes. [gh-118] - Fix dangling pointer leading to unexpected behavior with ``-O3``. [gh-104] - PyERFA now only uses the Python limited API. [gh-94] - Ensure things work under python 3.12 and recent setuptools-scm. [gh-113]