What's Changed
* The `specify_phase` and `unspecify_phase` methods of the `Fluid` and `Mixture` classes now returns `self` (for methods chaining) by portyanikhin in https://github.com/portyanikhin/PyFluids/pull/45 (closes https://github.com/portyanikhin/PyFluids/issues/44)
* The `with_state` method of the `Fluid` and `Mixture` classes no longer resets the specified phase by portyanikhin in https://github.com/portyanikhin/PyFluids/pull/52 (closes https://github.com/portyanikhin/PyFluids/issues/44)
* Updated required Python versions (to >=3.8, <3.13) by portyanikhin in https://github.com/portyanikhin/PyFluids/pull/46
* Bump tomli from 2.0.1 to 2.0.2 by dependabot in https://github.com/portyanikhin/PyFluids/pull/50
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/portyanikhin/PyFluids/compare/v2.6.0...v2.7.1