- This is a major release of PyFstat in the sense that
users will likely have to make some changes to the way they call it,
but mostly just regarding class instance labels / file naming.
- Mainly, we follow the recent `lalpulsar` upgrade to v3 of the SFT file format specification
(see https://dcc.ligo.org/T040164-v2/public
and note the v2 in the URL is not a typo,
this file version describes both the v2 and v3 specifications).
- We now require `lalsuite>=7.13`.
- The file format update itself is fully backwards compatible:
the only change is including window information in the header,
which however reuses existing padding bytes, and hence does not affect compatibility.
- The file naming convention however has become more restrictive:
SFT files, and hence `label` arguments for `Writer` and derived classes,
now may only contain ASCII alphanumerical characters,
which specifically makes the old PyFstat habit of using underscores illegal.
We suggest CamelCase instead.
- Instead of `SFTWindowBeta`, one must now use `SFTWindowParam`.
- `noiseSFTs` no longer requires `SFTWindow[Beta/Param]`,
only if a window specification cannot be read from the headers of input SFTs.
- Fixed an error that prevented one parameter to be printed in search output file header comments.
- Fixed compatibility with `corner=2.2.2`.
- Removed `utils.get_lal_exec()`, now always expect executables to be named `lalpulsar_`.
(Old LALSuite versions with `lalapps_` CW executables are quite outdated by now.)
- Removed deprecated prior formats in `InjectionParametersGenerator` class.
- Transient F-stat GPU implementation:
- Introduced F-stat condition number check,
with threshold equivalent to defaults of
and `estimateAntennaPatternConditionNumber()`.
- Now falls back to F=2 (2F=4) if Ddinv=0,
also equivalent to `lalpulsar`.
- Added unit tests.
- Improved CUDA device info logging.
- For developers: updated coding style to `black` 23.1.0 rules
(mostly newlines policy).