[pygameweb](https://github.com/pygame/pygameweb) is the source code for the [pygame website](https://www.pygame.org/) at https://www.pygame.org/
- 52 Adding ability to deploy through travisci. And docs.
- 46 Wiki readability. Wiki tools on left out of reading line.
- Twitter card for releases. For nicer view when posting to twitter.
- Wiki table of contents improvements.
- builds docs for pygame, when something lands on pygame github master branch.
- project release feeds bugfix.
- Only show one recent release for each project. Some projects release a few times in a row.
- Wiki, nicer pre code handling.
- Wiki code uses inline colors, so copy/paste works with colors too.
- use https for login and register buttons, even when on http (see [Why can't we turn off HTTPS?](http://renesd.blogspot.de/2018/02/why-cant-we-turn-off-http.html)).
- Ask more bad robot web crawlers not to be bad.
See a full diff of [changes since last release](https://github.com/pygame/pygameweb/compare/0.0.1...0.0.4).
[Majestic photo of a Northern Rockhopper Penguin by Brian Gratwicke](https://www.flickr.com/photos/briangratwicke/6954251406/in/photolist-bAwmEj-eihPBP-eihPEB-eioy7s-eihFEB-eijTDh-eie9kx-eie9s8-eikaeG-eihQqF-eioq9E-eioxRC-eihFxp-eioxUQ-eiknML-N7RLE1-eiopLy-TLNSDY-eihv1F-dhWw6P-dhWvpC-eijTeW-eihQut-eioyRw-eie92H-bPqVyr-dhWwY6-eioywS-eikohy-eihPT4-eihPJc-bPr1vp-eU7Eoh-eieDeT-eihPNF-eihuSx-eijtGC-eieD5n-eie9K6-eiopoA-eiopPd-eie9V2-eieCst-eieD2M-eioecy-eiopjY-eie9Bk-eieCTv-eihFrD-eidJL4)