============== - scipy was added to pip dependencies
============== - Fixed a compatibility issue with numpy 2.0.0 (np.Inf was removed) - Updated errors due to missing dependencies - Basemap replaced with cartopy
============== - Add a more flexible reader to search points in shapes from shapefiles - Default 100m country shapefiles are now provided in the package - Fix deprecation warning when comparing grid for equality
============== - Fixes a bug in the cell grid creation if the cell size is chosen smaller than 1 (`PR 77 <https://github.com/TUW-GEO/pygeogrids/pull/77>`_ ). - Better handling of ``np.inf`` in ``k_nearest_neighbor`` search (`PR 76 <https://github.com/TUW-GEO/pygeogrids/pull/76>`_ ).
============== - Fixes a bug in the nearest neighbour lookup, where no points were returned when less than k gpis are found in the selected max distance (`Issue 73 <https://github.com/TUW-GEO/pygeogrids/issues/73>`_ ).
============== - Faster implementation of bbox search - Uses pyscaffold v4 standard