- Introduced two new separate [spaCy]( statistical models: the *ajza* Text Classification model, and *musaid* Named Entity Recognition model.
- Created new distinct functions in the *Hadith* class, for deconstructing, categorizing, and reconstructing the asnad, of ahadith.
- Introduced three new algorithms for processing of ahadith.
- The *Hadith* class is now available directly from the *pyhadith* package.
- Updated P,R,F scores for the *ajza*, *asl*, *rawa* and *musaid* models in [](
- Updated []( to reflect changes in how ahadith are proccessed and deconstructed by pyHadith.
- The *matn*, *isnad* and *category* attributes of the *Hadith* class are now only available from the new *deconstruct*, *treeify* and *categorize* functions.
- Re-trained the *rawa* and *musaid* [spaCy]( statistical models.
- Removed the *hadith* module.
- Removed the *ahadith* [spaCy]( statistical model from code and documentation.