* **[BUGFIX]** Fix bug in :meth:`~pyimgur.__init__.Album.update` that caused
it to crash when calling it with a list of image ids as the images argument.
A bug also prevented the cover argument from being a Image object as is
possible elsewhere, instead it could only be the id of an image.
* **[BUGFIX]** If an album had no cover Image, then before it would create a
lazy Image object for the cover with ``None`` as Id. Now the ``cover``
attribute will correctly be ``None``.
* **[BUGFIX]** Only albums instantiated with
:meth:`~pyimgur.__init__.Imgur.get_album` starts with the ``images``
attribute set. Now ``_has_fetched`` has been set to ``False`` for such
albums. Meaning that a call to ``Album.images`` will refresh the object and
it will then have the ``images`` attribute set.