* Added support for systems without ctypes / libc / libc+inotiy. This works by compiling a C file accessing inotify's syscalls (like in pyinotify 0.7.1). However it should be noted, this file is not compiled unless necessary, `setup.py` try to detect if it needs it or not. As before, in the most common case where `ctypes` are used to access inotify, `pyinotify.py` still can be used as a standalone file. For more details see [[this commit|https://github.com/seb-m/pyinotify/commit/fec920a2146f78802f1a28a7f4c47f5c97426a7e]]. Notice, currently inotify's system wide variables `max_user_instances` , `max_user_watches`, `max_queued_events` can only be accessed when ctypes are used otherwise there are set to `None`.
* Replaced exception `UnsupportedLibcVersionError` by `InotifyBindingNotFoundError`. `WatchManager.__init__()` may raise this exception on error.
* Improved the mitigation of [[this issue|https://github.com/seb-m/pyinotify/issues/2]].