New hooks
* Add a hook for comtypes to ensure compatibility with comtypes >= 1.4.5.
* Add analysis hook for ``slixmpp`` library (`784
* Add hook for ``capstone`` package. (`787
* Add hook for ``grapheme`` to collect its data files. (`793
* Add hook for ``onnxruntime`` to ensure that provider plugins are
collected. (`817
* Add hook for ``saml2`` package which has XSD files and hidden imports. (`798
* Add hook for ``setuptools_scm`` that collects metadata of ``setuptools``
dist in order to avoid run-time warning about unknown/incompatible
``setuptools`` version. (`805
* Add hook for ``ultralytics`` package. (`786
* Add hook for ``xmlschema`` package which has XSD files. (`797
* Add hook for ``yapf_third_party`` (part of ``yapf``) to collect its
data files. (`792
* Add hooks for ``toga`` widget toolkit and its backends. (`804
* Add run-time hook for ``findlibs`` that overrides the ``findlibs.find``
function with custom implementation in order to ensure that the top-level
application directory is searched first. This prevents a system-wide
copy of the library being found and loaded instead of the bundled copy
when the system-wide copy happens to be available in one of fixed
locations that is scanned by the original implementation of ``findlibs.find``
(for example, Homebrew directory on macOS). (`799
Updated hooks
* (Linux) Update ``tensorflow`` hook to suppress creation of symbolic links
to the top-level application directory for the following shared libraries
discovered during binary dependency analysis: ``libtensorflow_cc.so.2``,
``libtensorflow_framework.so.2``, and ``_pywrap_tensorflow_internal.so``.
This fixes run-time discovery of CUDA shared libraries from ``nvidia.cu*``
packages. This fix requires PyInstaller >= 6.11 to work, and is no-op
in earlier PyInstaller versions. (`786
* (Linux) Update hooks for ``nvidia.cu*`` packages to suppress creation of
symbolic links to the top-level application directory for all shared
libraries collected from the packages. This fixes run-time discovery
of other shared libraries from those packages, which are dynamically
loaded at run-time (as opposed to being linked against). Specifically,
this fixes the ``Unable to load any of
libcudnn_engines_precompiled.so.9.1, libcudnn_engines_precompiled.so.9,
libcudnn_engines_precompiled.so}`` and subsequent
``RuntimeError: CUDNN_BACKEND_TENSOR_DESCRIPTOR cudnnFinalize failed
cudnn_status: CUDNN_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED`` when trying to use
``ultralytics`` package. This fix requires PyInstaller >= 6.11 to work,
and is no-op in earlier PyInstaller versions. (`786
* Update ``av`` hook for compatibility with ``av`` v13.0.0. (`794
* Update ``av`` hook for compatibility with ``av`` v13.1.0. (`814
* Update ``gribapi`` hook for compatibility with ``eccodes`` v2.37.0,
to account for possibility of bundles ``eccodes`` shared library, which
is provided by newly-introduced binary wheels for Linux and macOS 13+. (`799
* Update ``pydicom`` hook for compatibility with ``pydicom`` v.3.0.0. (`796
* Update ``xarray`` hook to collect ``xarray.chunkmanagers`` entry-points.