++++++++++++++++++ - Fix: The interval of 2 identical numbers equals the empty set if one of the boundaries is open 20 - Improvement: Add lower and upper properties and replace method which works similarly to date.replace 19
++++++++++++++++++ - Fix empty interval types so that empty intervals could be compared with other intervals - Add method `copy()` to create new `Interval` instances with the same bounds and values as the `Interval` being copied - Fix method `overlaps` on `Interval` and add tests for it!
++++++++++++++++++ - Fix formatting in README.rst as pypi isn't rendering it properly.
++++++++++++++++++ - Fix `|` and `&` in the documentation. - Implement subtraction of `Interval`'s and `IntervalSet`'s - Add method `empty()` to detect empty `Interval` objects. - Fix, each infinity should always equal itself.
++++++++++++++++++ - Add a complement function - Fix bug with using & and | for `union()` and `intersection()` - Increase test coverage!
++++++++++++++++++ - Fix the `__all__` list so that you can `from pyinter import *`. - Change classes to new style classes (inheriting from object) - Added an `add()` function to the `IntervalSet` class. This will add (union) an Interval inplace. (similarly to `set().add()`) - The optional iterable of Interval objects passed when initialising an `IntervalSet` is now added Interval by Interval so that initialising with overlapping intervals works as expected.