A compatibility-breaking change. Storage has been re-vamped, but the (cloud)pickle functionality matches 0.9.5; Node registration and node packages have been removed entirely -- just import node classes and use them like any other python class. Otherwise bugfixes and some minor syntax changes (variable renaming, etc.). Educational material has been re-written to reflect lessons learned from the first batch of users.
What's Changed
* [minor] Only pickle storage by liamhuber in https://github.com/pyiron/pyiron_workflow/pull/414
* [patch] Remove version constraints on storage by liamhuber in https://github.com/pyiron/pyiron_workflow/pull/416
* [minor] Remove registration and NodePackage by liamhuber in https://github.com/pyiron/pyiron_workflow/pull/417
* [patch] Remove unused code by liamhuber in https://github.com/pyiron/pyiron_workflow/pull/418
* [patch] Pickle storage backend by liamhuber in https://github.com/pyiron/pyiron_workflow/pull/408
* [patch] `as_dataclass_node` pickle compatibility by liamhuber in https://github.com/pyiron/pyiron_workflow/pull/410
* [patch] Fall back on cloudpickle by liamhuber in https://github.com/pyiron/pyiron_workflow/pull/411
* [patch] Make pickle the default storage backend by liamhuber in https://github.com/pyiron/pyiron_workflow/pull/412
* [minor] Refactor storage by liamhuber in https://github.com/pyiron/pyiron_workflow/pull/422
* [patch] Communication by liamhuber in https://github.com/pyiron/pyiron_workflow/pull/433
* [minor] Replace `HasToDict` mixin with `HasStateDisplay` mixin by liamhuber in https://github.com/pyiron/pyiron_workflow/pull/435
* [minor] 0.10.0 by liamhuber in https://github.com/pyiron/pyiron_workflow/pull/413
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/pyiron/pyiron_workflow/compare/pyiron_workflow-0.9.5...pyiron_workflow-0.10.0