Breaking changes
* Renamed `stats_utils` module to `profiler`
* Data must now be provided to kernels on creation, unbound kernels are
no longer allowed
* `Parameter`s are no longer subclasses of `float`, use `.value` to get
their stored value
* `ConditioningMethod`s were removed, their uses can be replaced with
_score functions_
* The `biv` parameter to the `Profiler` was removed, confidence
intervals are univariate only
Many distributions and utilities which were created with a specific use
case in mind and aren't generally useful have been removed:
* `MixtureExponentialModel`,
* `ExtendedGPD`,
* `PointProcess`,
* `CompositionDistribution`,
* `DetrendedFluctuationAnalysis`,
* `pettitt_test`,
* `threshold_selection_GoF` and `threshold_selection_gpd_NorthorpColeman`,
* extreme values visualisation routines,
* process samplers (Poisson and Hawkes).
New features
* Metrics: `{pp,qq}_l{1,2}_distance`, `likelihood`, `expo_ratio`
* Log-normal distribution
* Plotting functions now accept an `ax` argument to use instead of the
global `plt` figure
* Constant kernel (most useful for testing)
* `Kernel`s have a `with_covariate` method that returns a new kernel
with the provided data as covariate, but all parameters are kept the
* The `random_state` parameter to the `Distribution.rvs` method is now
explicit and no longer hidden in the `**kwargs`
Bug fixes
* Fixed `fit_instance` for nested kernels with fixed values
* Fixed the `TruncatedDistribution` which forgot its bounds after fitting
* A parameter which shows up in several places in a distribution will
keep the same value when fitting instead of returning independent
* Add section to README on fitting other score functions than the likelihood
* Add changelog with all version changes up to this one