Breaking changes
- Require `block` and `timeout` arguments to always be keyword arguments. (PR: 198)
- Remove support for Python 3.7. It reached end-of-life in June 2023. (PR: 190)
- Type hints: All typing stubs have been inlined in the source code and have been greatly improved. They are now tested using both Mypy and Pyright. (PR: 192, 193, 195)
- Type hints: Due to the dynamic nature of `ActorProxy` objects, it is impossible to automatically type them correctly. `pykka.typing` is a new module with helpers for manually typing `ActorProxy` objects. Check out [the docs]( for how to use the helpers. (PR: #199)
Development environment
- Linting: Replace flake8, isort, and friends with ruff. (PR: 190)