PyLops has undergone significant changes in this release, including new ``LinearOperator``s, more features, new examples and bugfixes.
To aid users in navigating the breaking changes, we provide the following document [](
New Features
* Multiplication of linear operators by N-dimensional arrays is now supported via the new ``dims``/``dimsd`` properties.
Users do not need to use ``.ravel`` and ``.reshape`` as often anymore. See the migration guide for more information.
* Typing annotations for several submodules (``avo``, ``basicoperators``, ``signalprocessing``, ``utils``, ``optimization``, ``waveeqprocessing``)
* New [pylops.TorchOperator](
wraps a Pylops operator into a PyTorch function
* New [pylops.signalprocessing.Patch3D](
applies a linear operator repeatedly to patches of the model vector
* Each of [Sliding1D](,
[Patch2D]( and
[Patch3D]( have an associated
`slidingXd_design` or `patchXd_design` functions associated with them to aid the user in designing the windows
* [FirstDerivative]( and
[SecondDerivative](, and therefore
other derivative operators which rely on the (e.g., [Gradient](
support higher order stencils
* [pylops.waveeqprocessing.Kirchhoff](
substitutes [pylops.waveeqprocessing.Demigration](
and incorporates a variety of new functionalities
* New [pylops.waveeqprocessing.AcousticWave2D]( wraps the [Devito](
acoutic wave propagator providing a wave-equation based Born modeling operator with a reverse-time migration adjoint
* Solvers can now be implemented via the [pylops.optimization.basesolver.Solver]( class.
They can now be used through a functional interface with lowercase name (e.g., [splitbregman](
or via class interface with CamelCase name (e.g., [SplitBregman](
Moreover, solvers now accept callbacks defined by the [Callbacks](
interface (see e.g., [MetricsCallback](
* [Metrics]( such as [mean absolute error (mae)](, [mean squared error (mse)]( and others
* New [pylops.utils.signalprocessing.dip_estimate](
estimates local dips in an image (measured in radians) in a stabler way than [pylops.utils.signalprocessing.dip_estimate]( did for slopes.
* New [pylops.utils.tapers.tapernd]( for N-dimensional tapers
* New wavelets [Klauder]( and [Ormsby](
* [Installation]( has been revamped
* Revamped guide on how to [implement a new `LinearOperator` from scratch](
* New guide on how to [implement a new solver from scratch](
* New tutorials:
* [Solvers (Advanced)](
* [Deblending](
* [Automatic Differentiation](
* New gallery examples:
* [Patching](
* [Wavelets](