
Latest version: v0.19.0

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πŸ’₯ Breaking Changes

- split in definition custom\_read\_kwargs to gaze and precomputed\_events… (791)
- rename resource to gaze\_resource (759)
- enable fixation only datasets (771)

✨ Enhancements

- add stimulus to plotting (799)
- add feature to split precomputed events dataframe by columns (802)
- Add trial\_columns argument in from\_asc() (898)
- Store metadata from ASC in experiment metadata (884)
- add support for .ias files in stimulus.text.from\_file() (858)
- Avoid event-gaze join to improve memory efficiency when calculating event properties (768)
- add resample() transformation function (720)
- map gaze data to aois (747)
- aoi mapping extended to end coordinate instead of width/height (851)
- adjust aoi mapping to aoi dataframe columns (848)
- Custom patterns for parsing logged metadata in ASC files (767)
- Event aoi mapping (784)
- enable scanpath plotting (782)
- add new feature for image stimuli (779)
- autodetect column names (719)
- support 2kHz ASC files with floating-point timestamps (739)
- Add \_\_str\_\_() methods to EventDataFrame and GazeDataFrame (727)
- parse eyelink mount config and pupil data type (725)
- make all arguments in screen and experiment optional (721)
- add feature for precomputed reading measures (804)

:dvd: Datasets

- add InteRead dataset (862)
- beijing sentence corpus (857)
- enable downloading precomputed events for copco dataset (840)
- correct trial columns in SB-SAT dataset (855)
- fix sb sat wrong experiment config (778)
- CopCo dataset precomputed events loading (873)
- add raw data to copco (854)
- specify custom\_read\_kwargs in copco to enable loading precomputed\_events (842)
- code comprehension (805)
- add trial\_columns to copco (807)
- added fakenews dataset (806)
- add didec dataset and tests (801)
- Copco dataset (797)
- Emtec dataset (796)
- change column types from Int32 to Int64 in DatasetDefinitions (751)

🐞 Bug Fixes

- aoi test file contained multiple screens (864)
- correctly add EyeTracker class to gaze module (876)
- download link fakenewsperception dataset (897)
- copy event resource files instead of moving them to events directory (863)
- fix stimulus text wrong handling of missing values (811)
- fix docstrings of public datasets using wrong definition (790)
- fix text stimulus doc string (762)
- as per repository types-all is deprecated (774)
- default traceplot cmaps (763)
- Don't override kwargs in EventGazeProcessor (760)
- add subject ID to dataset trial columns (752)
- cast numerical columns to Float64 when reading CSV (746)
- operator precedence when building group\_filter\_expression (734)
- fix ylim in tsplot for non-centered yaxis (729)

πŸ› οΈ Maintenance

- fix automated documentation by pinning sphinx to be \<7.4 (754)
- Fix issue linking in PR template (761)
- check whether public dataset has gaze files (872)
- depecated importing ColumnNotFoundError from top level (808)
- explicitly orient dataframe construction (810)
- docstring of traceplot had wrong pad\_value default (792)
- merge tests for public datasets in a single file (785)
- Linter: double indent checker (788)
- fix part of matplotlib lines are type ignored (789)
- remove debug print statements in tests (770)
- add tests/preprocessed/ and toy\_dataset to gitignore (764)
- double indent linter destroyed my tests (793)
- add emtec example files and functional tests (800)
- precomputed event docstring (803)
- update transforms tests to account for adding single line (815)
- update docstring of didec dataset definition (822)
- update docstring of emtec dataset definition (823)
- update docstring of gaze\_graph dataset definition (825)
- update docstring of gazes\_on\_faces dataset definition (826)
- update docstring of gazebase dataset definition (827)
- update docstring of gazebasevr dataset definition (828)
- update docstring of hbn dataset definition (829)
- update docstring of judo1000 dataset definition (830)
- update docstring of potec dataset definition (831)
- update docstring of sb\_sat dataset definition (832)
- update docstring of toy\_dataset dataset definition (833)
- update docstring of toy\_dataset\_eyelink dataset definition (834)
- update docstring of events processing (835)
- update docstring of gaze experiment (836)
- update docstring of gaze screen (837)
- update docstring of fakenews dataset definition (824)
- update docstring of dataset definition (820)
- update docstring of copco dataset definition (821)
- update docstring of utils downloads (838)
- upgrade to polars 1+ (809)
- missed ColumnNotFoundError (816)
- space raises converting problems for polars1+ (814)
- adjust docstring checks are not none (850)
- ignore: vim swap files (844)
- Add missing modules to documentation (866)
- add CITATION.cff (901)
- update setuptools-git-versioning requirement from \<2 to \<3 (895)
- update nbsphinx requirement from \<0.9.5,>=0.8.8 to >=0.8.8,\<0.9.6 (777)
- add support for python 3.13 (845)
- ignore too-many-public-methods (882)
- upgrade pyarrow (846)
- update pydoclint in pre-commit config (819)
- update nbconvert requirement from \<7.14,>=7.0.0 to >=7.16.4,\<7.17 (741)
- manually update pre-commit config (818)
- refactor public dataset tests into 'gaze' and 'precomputed\_events' (795)
- exchange seperate arguments for dicts in dataset definition (794)
- as per repository types-all is deprecated (774)
- update pyarrow requirement from \<17,>=11.0.0 to >=11.0.0,\<18 (765)
- update numpy requirement from \<2,>=1.22.4 to >=1.22.4,\<3 (736)
- update matplotlib requirement from \<3.9,>=3.8.0 to >=3.8.0,\<3.10 (731)
- update nbsphinx requirement from \<0.9.4,>=0.8.8 to >=0.8.8,\<0.9.5 (728)
- update pyarrow requirement from \<16,>=11.0.0 to >=11.0.0,\<17 (722)
- use macos-13 instead of macos-latest for python 3.9 (724)

πŸ‘·πŸ‘·β€β™€οΈπŸ‘·β€β™‚οΈ Contributors
Shoutout to all our contributors for making this release possible!
SiQube, aarbeikop, dkrako, jakobchwastek, josephine-funken, prassepaul, saeub and theDebbister


πŸ’₯ Breaking Changes

- correct pixel origin string to upper left instead of lower left (710)
- enforce list of strings for GazeDataFrame.trial\_columns attribute (669)
- add time column if missing during gaze initialization (654)
- rename GazeDataFrame.copy() to clone() (657)

✨ Enhancements

- introduce measure\_samples(), MeasureLibrary and null\_ratio (673)
- add clip transformation (700)
- timestamp unit specification (643)
- parse eyelink metadata (702)
- add text stimulus class (676)
- add deg2pix transformation (699)
- parse eyelink metadata (674)
- add EyeTracker class (617)
- trialize gaze.detect() (655)
- add EventDataFrame.add\_trial\_column() (671)
- add trial\_columns to EventDataFrame (670)
- enforce list of strings for GazeDataFrame.trial\_columns attribute (669)
- add time column if missing during gaze initialization (654)
- add trial\_columns to from\_numpy() and from\_pandas() (651)
- rename GazeDataFrame.copy() to clone() (657)

🐞 Bug Fixes

- forward experiment from dataset definition to from\_asc (711)
- correct pixel origin string to upper left instead of lower left (710)
- update checksum of PoTeC resource file (691)
- don't fail in event fill if event onsets/offsets not within timesteps (656)

πŸ› οΈ Maintenance

- use for loading dataset files (698)
- disable too-many-instance-attributes in pylint (709)
- use smaller subset in 10 minutes tutorial (707)
- add 'Integration and IO' rubric to api reference docs (630)
- update for new tox command (684)
- update licenses to 2024 (659)
- workaround ci failure by pinning nbconvert\<7.14 (652)
- include teaser in readme (639)
- add support for python 3.12 (660)
- update github action versions (685)
- improve tox integration command (693)
- remove macOS documentation test builder from CI (697)
- add typing\_extensions to be able to install pymovements from source (682)
- improve exception messages in GazeDataFrame.transform() (661)
- update pyopenssl requirement from \<24.0.0,>=16.0.0 to >=16.0.0,\<25.0.0 (668)
- update pyarrow requirement from \<15,>=11.0.0 to >=11.0.0,\<16 (665)
- remove default stages entry from pre-commit config (658)
- update pydocstyle ignores (650)
- update polars requirement from \<0.20.2,>=0.20.1 to >=0.20.1,\<0.20.3 (646)
- update polars requirement from \<0.19.20,>=0.19.19 to >=0.20.1,\<0.20.2 (644)
- fix expected values in parsing (645)
- update polars requirement from \<0.19.16,>=0.19.14 to >=0.19.19,\<0.19.20 (641)

πŸ‘·πŸ‘·β€β™€οΈπŸ‘·β€β™‚οΈ Contributors
Shoutout to all our contributors for making this release possible!
OmerShubi, SiQube, dependabot, dkrako, jakobchwastek, josephine-funken, prassepaul and theDebbister


✨ Enhancements

- add PoTeC dataset (636)

πŸ› οΈ Maintenance

- add pydoclint to pre-commit (638)
- add missing column argument docs and note on csv column dtypes (594)
- ignore bot commits in changelog (633)
- update polars requirement from \<0.19.14,>=0.19.12 to >=0.19.14,\<0.19.16 (628)
- raise minor version on breaking changes only (624)
- don't fail pytest on incomplete coverage (625)
- avoid invocation error in integration test (627)
- add construction worker emojis to release draft (632)

πŸ‘·πŸ‘·β€β™€οΈπŸ‘·β€β™‚οΈ Contributors
Shoutout to all our contributors for making this release possible!
SiQube, dkrako, jakobchwastek and prassepaul


✨ Enhancements

- Add gaze.from\_asc() (590)
- add new dataset GazeGraph (619)
- gaze\_dataframe.unnest() supports multi-col unnest (592)
- optionally remove single-child top-level directory from extracted archives (579)

🐞 Bug Fixes

- avoid SchemaFieldNotFoundError when loading preprocessed data (614)

πŸ› οΈ Maintenance

- update polars requirement from \<0.19.13 to \<0.19.14 (622)
- test for warning when distance column and distance\_cm specified (615)
- use minor version for polars upper version bound (621)
- update pyarrow requirement from \<14 to \<15 (620)
- migrate deprecated polars funtions (612)
- add git alias hint for creating new branches (608)
- migrate to polars v0.19.12 (618)

πŸ‘·πŸ‘·β€β™€οΈπŸ‘·β€β™‚οΈ Contributors
Shoutout to josephine-funken for making their first contributions in 579 and 612

dkrako, jakobchwastek, josephine-funken, prassepaul, SiQube, and theDebbister

**Full Changelog**:


✨ Enhancements

🐞 Bug Fixes
- correct hash in sb-sat definition (606)
- specify column dtypes in dataset definitions (593)
- specify schema for ToyDatasetEyeLink (601)

πŸ› οΈ Maintenance
- treat warnings as errors (602)
- add publish github workflow (604)
- don't setup python twice in github workflow (605)
- test for minimum version of dependencies (599)
- add github workflow for autolabeler (603)
- add integration tests for public datasets (591)
- create release-drafter.yml (598)

Shoutout to all our contributors for making this release possible!
dkrako prassepaul

**Full Changelog**:


✨ Enhancements
* Add time_column argument to gaze.integration functions
* Add kwargs for explicit data passing in gaze.from_numpy()
* Raise helpful missing column error message for transforms
* Add EventDataFrame.copy()
* Add events to GazeDataFrame init
* Add events to gaze.integration functions
* Add GazeDataFrame.detect()
* Add gaze.from_csv()
* Add GazeDataFrame.apply()
* Add public dataset GazeOnFaces
* Add gaze.from_ipc()
* Add dataset sbsat
* Add HBN dataset
* Add gaze.transforms.smooth()
* Add Dataset.apply()
* Load .txt files as .csv files
* Variable eye to screen distance

🐞 Bug fixes
* Infer correct number of components in gaze init

πŸ› οΈ Other improvements
* Update GazeDataFrame Docstring to Include Missing trial_columns Argument
* Add latex formulas to event property docstrings
* Upload documentation artifacts for PRs
* Add pydocstyle to pre-commit hooks
* Decrease pytest verbosity
* Update
* Migrate to polars v0.19
* Integrate dependabot to check for dependency updates
* update pyarrow requirement from <12,>=11.0.0 to >=11.0.0,<14
* don't include scope in dependabot commits
* add pip installation of pylint to
* remove unused pre-commit env from tox.ini
* pre-commit autoupdate
* Migrate typing to matplotlib v3.8.0
* Test resulting filestructure for utils.archives.extract()
* pre-commit autoupdate
* update about possible pandoc installation
* drop support for python 3.8
* update matplotlib requirement from <3.8,>=3.0.0 to >=3.0.0,<3.9
* remove mypy ignore imports for matplotlib
* Add test example files for each public dataset
* pre-commit autoupdate
* Reuse dataset definitions in from_csv tests
* Add functional tests for preprocessing gaze files
* Remove mypy and flake8 from tox and github actions
* Refactor GitHub workflows
* Refactor tests into unit and functional

Shoutout to all our contributors for making this release possible!
dkrako jakobchwastek prassepaul SiQube

New Contributors
* dependabot made their first contribution in

**Full Changelog**:

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