- The ``pynamodb`` implementation relies on some ``botocore`` private API. And one of the private API is changed from ``botocore`` 1.33.2 that breaks the ``pynamodb`` implementation. ``pynamodb`` 5.5.1 fixed the compatibility issue, so that ``pynamodb_mate`` also got upgraded to ``5.5.1.X``.
**Features and Improvements**
- add :mod:`pynamodb_mate.patterns.relationship` Pattern, allow you to manage mass amount entity and one-to-many, many-to-many relationship in DynamoDB using the ultimate data modeling strategy.
- add :mod:`pynamodb_mate.patterns.large_attribute` Pattern, it re-implements the ``pynamodb_mate.attributes.s3backed`` to provide better consistency model across DynamoDB and S3, and it also support updating multiple large attributes in one API. The old ``pynamodb_mate.attibutes.s3backed`` module is marked as deprecated, and it will be removed in 6.X version.
- rework the import structure of the library, now we recommend using ``import pynamodb_mate.api as pm`` instead of ``import pynamodb_mate as pm``. Old public API is still available in ``import pynamodb_mate as pm`` name space. And these API is scheduled to be deleted in 6.X version.
**Minor Improvements**
- Rework the unit test, now it uses both mock and real AWS DynamoDB table for testing.
- Rework the documentation site.
- add Python3.12 support.