What's Changed (From [0.3-stable](https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/tree/0.3-stable))
* Ajustando Urls do webservice da Unidade UF:CE by ale-big in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/19
* Revert "Ajustando Urls do webservice da Unidade UF:CE" by leotada in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/20
* Atualização das urls dos webservices da Bahia. by rhemzo in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/21
* PEP8 e Adicionando PI ao SVRS by mrlucascardoso in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/22
* fix import pip version 10 by nicomanso in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/32
* 33 by victtorvpb in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/34
* Minor changes by gmonnerat in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/39
* Adicionar RJ na lista SVRS by gmonnerat in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/41
* Remove unused imports by gmonnerat in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/43
* fixup! [FIX] Corrigido arredondamento percentual redução e aliquota icms by gmonnerat in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/42
* merge from master by juniortada in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/46
* Inicio desenvolvimento qr_code 2.00 by juniortada in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/47
* Qr 2 00 by juniortada in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/48
* [fix] url consulta qrcode PR by juniortada in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/49
* consulta distribuicao por chave e metodo de descompactar gzip by lucasres in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/51
* Corrige espaço adicional nas tags vBCST, pICMSST, vICMSST by av1la in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/54
* Corrigido url do webservice de status em nfe by erikseyti in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/58
* Correção URL estado de Goiás. by faio in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/62
* Correção para emissão estado de GO by faio in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/63
* Adicionado desconto por item e correção no total da nota by faio in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/64
* [fix] Corrigido url nfe MS by erikseyti in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/68
* Add specific version of PyXB by patrickacioli in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/67
* Correção para emissão de NFe com emitente CPF by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/74
* Grupo ICMS 51 e IPI by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/75
* Adicionado Atributo Cbenef a Classe NotaFiscalProduto by erikseyti in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/78
* Adiciona .vscode/ no .gitignore by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/86
* Melhoria no tratamento de excessões na abertura do arquivo do certificado by seocam in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/92
* excluir pasta tests da instalação by melby-md in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/89
* [feat] Grupo de pessoas autorizadas a baixar XML by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/90
* Correção na serialização do vAliqProd no Pis e Cofins by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/85
* Atualização das URLS da NFCe de Santa Catarina by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/104
* Atualização das URLS do Mato Grosso do Sul by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/103
* Adiciona grupo do ICMS com CST 30, 70 e 90 by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/100
* Criação do grupo de combustível dentro do produto by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/99
* Alteração para 10 casas decimais vUnCom e vUnTrib by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/98
* Adiciona grupo do ICMS com CST 40, 41 e 50 by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/87
* Atualiza URL de NFCe do Rio de Janeiro. by mvellasco in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/106
* Setar timezone conforme data de emissão e adicionado campo dhSaiEnt by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/109
* Adicionado campo infAdProd no produto by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/120
* Campo para informar indicativo de intermediador by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/118
* Buscar código ibge com nome da cidade com e sem apóstrofo by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/122
* Envio de inutilização para emitente CPF by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/124
* Adiciona campo qBCProd ao cofins by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/129
* Correções na emissão de nfe em contingência by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/131
* Alteração webservice da SEFAZ-CE para SVRS by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/133
* Melhoria no readme do projeto by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/134
* Correção de importação do arquivo "base.py" no arquivo "fonte_dados.py". Faltava um "." by Cataldir in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/137
* Testes by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/136
* Correção da estrutura do xml para notas referenciadas by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/135
* Serialização dos Impostos by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/113
* Adiciona testes para produtos com CST 40, 41, 50 e 90 by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/139
* Altera o nome do arquivo LICENSE by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/138
* Corrige ortografia no readme by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/143
* Criado testes para as funções de utils by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/142
* Adiciona CI com testes e lint para todas as versões do python by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/144
* Comunicação com o webservice do MDF-e by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/140
* Inclui eventos do manifesto na serialização by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/148
* Cria seção 'características' do projeto e corrige links no readme by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/147
* Alterado testes para usar a classe Validacao by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/146
* Fix pytest warning: Regex likes raw strings by cclauss in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/145
* Adiciona testes para o CST 60 e 70 da NFe by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/152
* Corrige url da consulta de cadastro UF=CE by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/154
* Corrige serialização do CST 60 by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/157
* Erro de validação do grupo pis cofins by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/155
* Inclusão da cidade Nazária-PI e correção do nome da cidade Embu by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/158
* Adiciona flags para ICMS_ST_MODALIDADES e ICMS_MOTIVO_DESONERACAO by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/161
* Adiciona tags nFCI e infAdProd e grupo IPIDevol by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/162
* Altera URL do ambiente nacional by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/171
* Criado novos campos para o MDFe conforme últimas Notas Técnicas by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/174
* Atualiza schemas da NFe by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/173
* Altera URL do QRCode das UFs da Paraíba e Minas Gerais by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/172
* Alteração do cálculo automático do valor total da nota by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/178
* Lista de empresas e projetos que utilizam a lib by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/180
* Adiciona novos tipos de notas referenciadas by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/183
* Correção a geração do XML do MDFe quando não tem dados do contratante by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/184
* Corrige a serialização do CPF ou CNPJ na NFe referenciada de produtor by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/185
* Não gerar RNTRC do MDFe quando não informado by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/186
* update url for install by juniortada in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/187
* Aumenta cobertura de testes by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/188
* Adiciona testes para Simples Nacional by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/190
* Corrigido NFC-e no estado de SC by FernandoBernardi in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/198
* build first version pip publish close 175 by juniortada in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/189
* Adiciona elemento consultaCadastro no body somente para MT by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/199
* Adiciona colaboradores em AUTHORS by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/201
* Alterar URL do QRCode de PE by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/200
* Update flags.py by faio in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/202
* Fix digestValue sendo modificado... by felps-dev in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/176
* Adiciona teste de validação de MDFe sem RNTRC by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/205
* Adiciona classe inicial para webservice de CTe by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/207
* Cria validação para campos não obrigatório by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/208
* Adiciona método consNSU na DistribuicaoDFe by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/209
* new pip version 0.4.2 by juniortada in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/210
* Ajusta formatação MunIBGE-UF22.txt by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/213
* Altera geração da URL de DistribuicaoDFe em Homologação by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/215
* Retorno do status do MDFe by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/219
* Correção da assinatura digital com signxml by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/227
* Corrige geração do valor pagamento na nfe devolução by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/220
* Adiciona testes para python 3.11 no ci by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/239
* Ajuste tag cInt como opcional e formatação vCarga by AlexandreLumertz in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/243
* Falha no Schema ao consultar status do serviço do CT-e 248 by lpostingher in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/249
* Adiciona status 150 na confirmação de nfe/nfce by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/253
* Corrige url de distribuicaodfe em homologacao by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/254
* Atualiza schemas da NFe by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/255
* new pip version 0.4.3 by juniortada in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/259
* Não obriga informar email do emitente no MDFe by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/267
* Adiciona raise quando município for inválido by felps-dev in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/272
* Fix signxml by juniortada in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/279
* Fix flake8 by juniortada in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/280
* Adiciona grupos de DI, II, e IPI by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/290
* Adiciona cidades by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/291
* Ajusta campos para emissão de nota de importação by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/295
* Adiciona testes para python versão 3.12 by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/296
* Atualiza criptografia A1 para utilizar Cryptography no Lugar de OpenSSL by felps-dev in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/301
* new pip version 0.4.4 by juniortada in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/304
New Contributors
* ale-big made their first contribution in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/19
* leotada made their first contribution in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/20
* rhemzo made their first contribution in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/21
* nicomanso made their first contribution in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/32
* victtorvpb made their first contribution in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/34
* gmonnerat made their first contribution in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/39
* juniortada made their first contribution in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/46
* lucasres made their first contribution in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/51
* av1la made their first contribution in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/54
* erikseyti made their first contribution in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/58
* faio made their first contribution in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/62
* patrickacioli made their first contribution in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/67
* seocam made their first contribution in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/92
* melby-md made their first contribution in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/89
* mvellasco made their first contribution in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/106
* Cataldir made their first contribution in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/137
* cclauss made their first contribution in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/145
* FernandoBernardi made their first contribution in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/198
* AlexandreLumertz made their first contribution in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/243
* lpostingher made their first contribution in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/249
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/compare/0.3.10...0.4.4
Last stable release
What's Changed
* Ajustando Urls do webservice da Unidade UF:CE by ale-big in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/19
* Revert "Ajustando Urls do webservice da Unidade UF:CE" by leotada in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/20
* Atualização das urls dos webservices da Bahia. by rhemzo in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/21
* PEP8 e Adicionando PI ao SVRS by mrlucascardoso in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/22
* fix import pip version 10 by nicomanso in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/32
* 33 by victtorvpb in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/34
* Minor changes by gmonnerat in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/39
* Adicionar RJ na lista SVRS by gmonnerat in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/41
* Remove unused imports by gmonnerat in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/43
* fixup! [FIX] Corrigido arredondamento percentual redução e aliquota icms by gmonnerat in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/42
* merge from master by juniortada in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/46
* Inicio desenvolvimento qr_code 2.00 by juniortada in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/47
* Qr 2 00 by juniortada in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/48
* [fix] url consulta qrcode PR by juniortada in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/49
* consulta distribuicao por chave e metodo de descompactar gzip by lucasres in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/51
* Corrige espaço adicional nas tags vBCST, pICMSST, vICMSST by av1la in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/54
* Corrigido url do webservice de status em nfe by erikseyti in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/58
* Correção URL estado de Goiás. by faio in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/62
* Correção para emissão estado de GO by faio in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/63
* Adicionado desconto por item e correção no total da nota by faio in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/64
* [fix] Corrigido url nfe MS by erikseyti in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/68
* Add specific version of PyXB by patrickacioli in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/67
* Correção para emissão de NFe com emitente CPF by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/74
* Grupo ICMS 51 e IPI by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/75
* Adicionado Atributo Cbenef a Classe NotaFiscalProduto by erikseyti in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/78
* Adiciona .vscode/ no .gitignore by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/86
* Melhoria no tratamento de excessões na abertura do arquivo do certificado by seocam in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/92
* excluir pasta tests da instalação by Erogue-Lord in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/89
* [feat] Grupo de pessoas autorizadas a baixar XML by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/90
* Correção na serialização do vAliqProd no Pis e Cofins by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/85
* Atualização das URLS da NFCe de Santa Catarina by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/104
* Atualização das URLS do Mato Grosso do Sul by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/103
* Adiciona grupo do ICMS com CST 30, 70 e 90 by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/100
* Criação do grupo de combustível dentro do produto by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/99
* Alteração para 10 casas decimais vUnCom e vUnTrib by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/98
* Adiciona grupo do ICMS com CST 40, 41 e 50 by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/87
* Atualiza URL de NFCe do Rio de Janeiro. by mvellasco in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/106
* Setar timezone conforme data de emissão e adicionado campo dhSaiEnt by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/109
* Adicionado campo infAdProd no produto by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/120
* Campo para informar indicativo de intermediador by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/118
* Buscar código ibge com nome da cidade com e sem apóstrofo by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/122
* Envio de inutilização para emitente CPF by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/124
* Adiciona campo qBCProd ao cofins by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/129
* Correções na emissão de nfe em contingência by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/131
* Alteração webservice da SEFAZ-CE para SVRS by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/133
* Melhoria no readme do projeto by leogregianin in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/134
New Contributors
* ale-big made their first contribution in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/19
* leotada made their first contribution in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/20
* rhemzo made their first contribution in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/21
* nicomanso made their first contribution in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/32
* victtorvpb made their first contribution in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/34
* gmonnerat made their first contribution in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/39
* juniortada made their first contribution in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/46
* lucasres made their first contribution in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/51
* av1la made their first contribution in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/54
* erikseyti made their first contribution in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/58
* faio made their first contribution in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/62
* patrickacioli made their first contribution in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/67
* seocam made their first contribution in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/92
* Erogue-Lord made their first contribution in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/89
* mvellasco made their first contribution in https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/pull/106
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/TadaSoftware/PyNFe/compare/0.3.10...0.3-stable