This github tag is tied to the release of the following SDCard images on [](
[PYNQ-Z1 v3.0.0 SDCard image](
[PYNQ-Z2 v3.0.0 SDCard image](
[PYNQ-ZU v3.0.0 SDCard image](
[ZCU104 v3.0.0 SDCard image](
[RFSoC2x2 v3.0.0 SDCard image](
[RFSoC4x2 v3.0.0 SDCard image](
[ZCU111 v3.0.0 SDCard image](
(new) [ZCU208 v3.0.0 SDCard image](
Within those image files, PYNQ v3.0.0 is already installed. Updates to PYNQ since the last release include:
* Official Ubuntu 22.04 support on the Kria-PYNQ repository:
* KV260
* (new) KR260
* Upgraded Software
* All overlays built with Vivado 2022.1
* Linux kernel and build updated to Petalinux 2022.1
* Productivity additions - software
* Updated to Python 3.10
* Updated to JupyterLab 3.4.4
* Updated to Ubuntu 22.04 based packages
* Separation of PYNQ-Utils repository for overlay packaging
* Productivity additions - hardware
* Added XSA parsing support
* Added debug bridge IP for XVC server support
* Improved support for block design containers and partial reconfiguration
* Separation of PYNQ-Metadata repository for design exploration
* SD Build updates
* API change to emphasize builds using prebuilt root filesystem
* API change to emphasize builds using PYNQ source distribution
* XRT library included in board-agnostic images
* Deprecations
* PL server as a multi-user daemon is deprecated - pynq server CLI is also deprecated
* 3rd party board automatic building of overlays in SD Build is deprecated
* Wavedrom viewing in JupyterLabs is deprecated - Jupyter notebook viewing is still supported
* Use of pynq/ will be deprecated in future releases - PYNQ-Utils will have same APIs
* Use of pynq/pl_server/<Vivado parsers>.py will be deprecated in future releases - PYNQ-Metadata will have same APIs