pyparted supports new libparted API functions, but those functions are not yet available in an official release on On Fedora systems, the parted-1.9.0-23 package and later revisions contain the necessary API support.
Complete rewrite of pyparted. There are now two Python modules exposing the pyparted API:
_ped Low level module interfacing with libparted. parted Higher level module written in Python building on _ped.
Instructions for making a new release:
1) git checkout master 2) git clean -d -x -f I hope you've committed or stashed everything you are working on 3) git fetch 4) git rebase origin 5) make bumpver 6) git commit -a -m "New version." 7) git clean -d -x -f 8) make release 9) gpg --detach-sign -a dist/$(make verrel).tar.gz 10) make pypi
The tar.gz and tar.gz.asc files should be uploaded as release artifacts to github as a new release.
If packaging in RPM format, you might find the 'make rpmlog' target useful. It gives you an RPM spec file formatted changelog block that contains the git shortlog entries of all changes since the last tag.