⭐ New Features
Upgrade to powsybl-dependencies 2024.4.0 (find [here](https://github.com/powsybl/powsybl-dependencies/blob/main/README.md#powsybl-dependencies) the corresponding version of underlying PowSyBl projects and their release notes) (925)
Upgrade powsybl-optimizer from v0.7.0 to v0.10.0 929
Support creation and removal of internal connections (873)
Add Load Flow specific parameters categories (877)
Get import supported extensions (889)
Bus/Breaker view buses: add column with bus ID in bus view (880)
Adding dangling line's generation part mapping (821)
Mapping grounds to python (898)
Capability to mix connection and disconnection in a single update (896)
Get element type from a node/breaker topo nodes dataframe (910)
Add attributes to node/breaker graph (911)
Get network element properties as a dataframe (909)
Voltage level topology kind update (883)
Adding condenser status to generators (930)
Add DanglingLine boundary side boundary_i (926)
⚙ Beta Features
Open Rao integration (868)
Grid2op backend integration (904)
🔨 Technical improvements
Daily snapshot CI (842)
Snapshot CI : slack notification (897)
Fix pytest and pylint warnings (884)
Upgrading linux build containers to manylinux_2_28 (899)
Replace macos-12 runners with macos-13 (908)
Update trigger for release ci and add build for darwin arm64. (905)
Use pybind11 via findPython + update pybind11 (903)
Create pypowsybl-parent (931, 932)
🪲 Bug fixes
Fix non-linear shunt compensator section number (900)
Fix ODRE geo data loader (915)
Fix sn property in network per unit view (923)
🚨 Breaking changes
Add dynamic models mapping (867, 914, 916, see [the migration guide](https://github.com/powsybl/pypowsybl/wiki/pypowsybl-1.9.0-%E2%80%90-Migration-guide) for changes to make)
📔 Documentation
Enable download of documentation in pdf format (913)
Finish cleaning javadoc warnings (890)
Miscellaneous documentation fixes (893, 921)