What’s Changed
* Update docs (271) chekos
* Major restructuring of the entire project.
:rocket: Features
* Moving to a much simpler project structure. (269) chekos
:arrow_up: Dependencies updates
* :arrow_up: Bump actions/setup-python from 2 to 3 (274) dependabot
* :arrow_up: Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3 (275) dependabot
:busts_in_silhouette: List of contributors
Breaking changes
* `ACS().download_data()` -> `ACS().download()`
* The `person_or_household` argument has been renamed to the more appropriate `sample_unit`
* `pypums` will now default to downloading data to a specified folder using `click`'s `get_app_dir()`. More info [here](https://click.palletsprojects.com/en/8.0.x/api/?highlight=get_app_dir#click.get_app_dir)
* `pypums` now checks if a dataset has been previously downloaded and will default to _not_ downloading it unless the `overwrite` argument is set to `True`
* the `pypums` CLI now has two commands:
* `acs-url` which builds the URL to download data from the Census server ([docs](https://pypums.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/cli/#acs-url))
* `download-acs` which takes `--year`, `--state`, `--sample-unit` and `--survey` options (and [more](https://pypums.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/cli/#download-acs)) to download (and extract, by default) the data.
* We moved to `httpx` instead of `requests`
* We moved to `rich` instead of `tqdm` for progress bars
* We've added tests 😅