* Documentation and recipes improvements, including orthogonal optimization for excited states.
* Better examples and some bugfixes
Full log:
11bdd82 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Update VERSION
ddbb729 Merge pull request 247 from willwheelera/recipes
37132a4 fix hdf5 output for tutorial
b2cd56c Merge pull request 250 from willwheelera/periodic
5898092 Merge pull request 249 from willwheelera/small_changes
658ae9c Merge pull request 248 from willwheelera/black
56a7f90 Update
7c94fe4 add pythonpath for tests
de220dd Fixed flake8 errors.
bd8abdf Create python-package.yml
b26679d fix bug using ProcessPoolExecutor with pbcs by removing nested ewald energy funtion in EnergyAccumulator
2427577 import recipe functions into __init__
4bf1bd4 black
4679cac black
82e88a0 black
43a556a black
673e986 add anchors kwarg to OPTIMIZE and run optimize_orthogonal
6245170 black recipes
777dba7 return wf in __init__
b1436cc black __init__
8d39525 Merge pull request 245 from WagnerGroup/documentation
0fb0f32 (origin/documentation, documentation) fixed accumulator example.
cbe77a3 changes to HOWTOs
d440480 Moved all snippets into one file.
dc79d06 Added HCI
e651f5e Fix some omissions.
c4f63b3 added some more snippets.
b105e4c more documentation updates.
91028ab updated the tutorial stuff.
cb1bf04 improved tutorial
1557304 Merge pull request 244 from WagnerGroup/documentation
a85d0e3 Added some documentation.
cbf3e89 Orbital symmetry (243)
de8e933 (origin/orbital_symmetry, orbital_symmetry) added optimize_zeros to default_multislater
a2f30a3 Added an option to only optimize the large MO coefficients in a given (242)
74a9e14 Added an option to only optimize the large MO coefficients in a given orbital.
a505333 remove python-publish2.yml