- Get rid of potential caching problems by disabling offline functionality of
the frontend (i.e. we have disabled the service worker)
- Update `react` and `react-dom` to 16.9.0, `react-scripts` to 3.0.0,
`bootstrap` to 4.3.1, and `reactstrap` to 8.0.1
- Enable running pyqmix-web as an entry-point
- Fix a minor (display) bug in the frontend
- Improve developers' documentation.
- Frontend now looks for all assets placed relative to "index.html"
- The frontend title is now fixed on top and hovering above all other
content while scrolling
- Refactor many parts of the pump form into separate React Components
- Disable input fields until at least one pump is selected
- The "Disconnect" button is now displayed in a dangerous red
- Backend test mode can now be enabled by setting the environment variable
- Display copyright notice in frontend