- Pull 49: Support '7bit' and '8bit' transfer-encoding.
- Pull 70: If ``username`` and ``password`` are both set to the empty string,
``Mailer.from_settings``, now interprets them as being set to ``None``.
Previously, setting them to the empty string caused SMTP authentication
to be force with empty username and password.
- Pull 71: Add a ``content_id`` argument to the ``Attachment`` constructor
which allows you to set the Content-ID header so you can reference it from
an HTML body.
- Pull 72: Change file extension to ``.eml`` for mails saved from
``DebugMailer``. ``.eml`` is the standard file format for storing
plaintext MIME (rfc822) emails.
- Pull 77: Drop Python 2.6 and 3.2 support.
- Add Python 3.5 support.
- Pull 78: Support per-request transaction managers if available via
``request.tm`` set by ``pyramid_tm``.