* demo implementation of phrase-extraction.py (Justeson and Katz 1995) and (Handel et al 2016)
* demo implementation of sentiment-analysis.py: Illustration of implementation of some constraints present in (Hutto et al. 2014), evaluation with nltk movie_reviews corpus
* api/engine implementation of match and fullmatch methods + some tests
* api/engine implementation of pos and endpos arguments for all matching methods + some tests
* grammar implementation of backslash in constraint value
* enhancement of pyrata_re.py wi data path parameter, match and fullmatch methods, nlp with lc (lowercase) feature, lexicons parameter
* fix+change the behavior of re methods when pos was lower than 0 or endpos parameter was greater than len(data), realign on O or len(data) instead of returning None
* fix re finditer method when data was empty, a variable was not correctly initialized
* fix nfa last_state_id computation for such a case '(a~"A|B"+) (b="B")' "[{'c':'C'}, {'a':'A'}, {'a':'A', 'b':'B'}, {'d':'D'}]" the id was a matching state but not mandatory a final state M
* fix re and nfa compile to pass lexicons argument in the CompiledPattern.compile() method
* fix the `ImportError: No module named 'graph_tool'` issue by specifying the graph_tool installation procedure.
* improvement of the separation of graph_tool from the business code (in pyrata_re.py and nfa.py)
* doc user-guide grammar clarification about the change in 0.3.3 (negative constraint are for now only allowed in class elements)
* enhancement of the time processing by a factor of 4: implementation of a dedicated deepcopy method instead of the one from copy module
* fix bug due to sympy behavior when processing pattern token with colon characters in the value field
* code refactoring by separating compiled_pattern from nfa
* user-guide enhancements