🚀 Features
- Add support for Python 3.9
- Add the ``cache`` (default to ``cachetools.TTLCache(maxsize=1024,
ttl=1200)``) attribute to the ``KG`` class to significantly speed up the walks
extraction through caching.
- Add the ``is_update`` (default to ``False``) hyper-parameter in the ``fit``
method of the ``Embedder`` and ``Word2Vec`` classes to update an existing
- Add the ``literals`` (default to ``[]``) attribute in the ``KG`` class to
support a basic literal extraction.
- Add the ``mul_req`` (default to ``False``) attribute to the ``KG`` class to
speed up the extraction of walks and literals for remote Knowledge Graph by
sending asynchronous requests.
- Add the ``n_jobs`` (default to ``None``) attribute to the ``Walker`` class
to speed up the extraction of walks with multiprocessing.
- Add the ``random_state`` (default to ``None``) parameter for the ``Walker``
class to handle better random determinism with walking and sampling
- Add the ``verbose`` (default to ``0``) attribute to the
``RDF2VecTransformer`` class to display useful debugging information and to
measure the time of extraction, fit and generation of embeddings and
- Add the ``with_reverse`` (default to ``False``) parameter for the ``Walker``
class to generate more walks and improve the accuracy with ``Word2Vec``, by
including the parents of the entities in the walks.
- Add the possibility to do online learning of a model with the ``load`` and
the ``save`` methods in the ``RDF2VecTransformer`` class.
- Add the validators for class parameter attributes.
- Add the ``Connector`` generic class to simplify the implementation of new
- Add the ``SPARQLConnector`` class to delegate the connection part to the
SPARQL endpoint server.
- Add the ``Vertex`` class in a slot to reduce RAM usage.
- Add the ``WalkerNotSupported`` and ``SamplerNotSupported`` exceptions in the
``Walker`` and ``Sampler`` classes when a walking strategy and a sampling
strategy is not supported.
- Add the ``_cast_literals`` private method to the ``KG`` class to convert the
raw literals of an entity according to their real types.
- Add the ``_embeddings``, ``_entities``, ``_literals``, and ``_walks``,
attributes in the ``RDF2VecTransformer`` class to be able to get all the
embeddings, entities, literals, and walks after the online training of a
- Add the ``_fill_hops`` private method in the ``KG`` class to fill the entity
hops in cache when ``mul_req=True`` is provided for a remote Knowledge Graph.
- Add the ``_get_hops`` private method in the ``KG`` class to get the hops of a
vertex for a local Knowledge Graph.
- Add the ``_is_support_remote`` (default to ``False``) private attribute in
the ``Walker`` and ``Sampler`` classes to restrict the use of walking and
sampling strategies for some remote/local Knowledge Graph.
- Add the ``_res2hops`` private method in the ``KG`` class to convert a JSON
response from a SPARQL endpoint server to hops.
- Add the ``add_walk`` method to the ``KG`` class to simplify the addition of
walk in a Knowledge Graph.
- Add the `attr <https://github.com/python-attrs/attrs>`__ decorator for all
- Add the ``examples/online-training`` and ``examples/literals`` files to
illustrate the use of online training and literals with ``pyRDF2Vec``.
- Add the ``fetch_hops`` method to the ``KG`` class to fetch to get the hops of
a vertex on a remote Knowledge Graph.
- Add the ``get_pliterals`` method to the ``KG`` class to gets the literals for
an entity and a local KG based on a chain of predicates.
- Add the ``get_walks`` method in the ``RDF2VecTransformer`` class to get the
walks of a given entities in a Knowledge Graph.
- Add the ``get_weights`` method in the ``Sampler`` class to get the hops weights.
- Add the ``pyrdf2vec.typings`` file to contains the aliases of the most
commonly used typing with `mypy <https://github.com/python/mypy>`__.
- Fix the ``get_weight`` method in the ``PageRankSampler`` to raise an error if
the method is called before the ``fit`` method.
- Fix the ``remove_edge`` method of the ``KG`` class to also remove the edge of
a children for a parent node.
- Fix the addition of predicate in memory for remote Knowledge Graphs.
- Fix the initialization of the ``_counts`` dictionary with the
``PredFreqSampler`` and ``ObjPredFreqSampler`` classes.
- Remove support for Python 3.6
- Remove the ``_get_shops`` and ``_get_rhops`` functions in the ``KG`` class.
- Remove the ``id`` attribute of the ``Vertex`` class.
- Remove the ``print_walks`` method of the ``Walker`` class.
- Remove the ``read_file`` method in the ``KG`` class.
- Remove the ``visualise`` method in the ``KG`` class.
- Replace the ``HalkWalker`` class by ``HALKWalker``.
- Replace the ``SPARQLWrapper`` library in favor of using ``requests`` for
synchronous requests and ``aiohttp`` for asynchronous requests.
- Replace the ``WeisfeilerLehmanWalker`` class by ``WLWalker``.
- Replaces the ``add_edge``, ``add_vertex``, and ``remove_edge`` methods in the
``KG`` class to return a boolean value indicating that the addition/removal
of an edge/vertex has been performed.
- Replace the ``depth`` parameter with ``max_depth`` for the ``Walker`` class.
- Replace the ``extract_random_community_walks``,
``extract_random_community_walks_bfs``, and
``extract_random_community_walks_dfs`` methods in the ``CommunityWalker``
class by ``extract_walks``, ``_bfs``, and ``_dfs`` methods.
- Replace the ``extract_random_walks``, ``extract_random_walks_bfs``, and
``extract_random_walks_dfs`` methods in the ``RandomWalker`` class by
``extract_walks``, ``_bfs``, and ``_dfs`` methods.
- Replace the ``file_type`` attribute in the ``KG`` class by ``fmt``.
- Replace the ``get_inv_neighbors`` method in the ``KG`` class by a
``is_reverse`` (default to ``False``) parameter in the ``get_neighbors``
- Replace the ``initialize`` method in the ``Sampler`` class by the use of ``property``.
- Replace the ``is_remote`` parameter in the ``KG`` class for automatic link
detection based on the http and https prefix.
- Replace the ``last`` parameter with ``is_last_depth`` in the
``sample_neighbor`` method of the ``Sampler`` class.
- Replace the ``label_predicates`` attribute in the ``KG`` class by
``skip_predicates`` and now use a set instead of a list.
- Replace the ``pyrdf2vec.graphs.kg.Vertex`` class with
- Replace the ``fit_transform`` and ``transform`` functions in the
``RDF2VecTransformer`` class to return a tuple containing the list of
embeddings and literals.
- Replace the default embedding technique in the ``RDF2VecTransformer`` class
for ``Word2Vec``.
- Replace the default hyper-parameters of the ``Word2Vec`` class to
``size=500``, ``min_count=0``, and ``negative=20``.
- Replace the default list of walkers in the ``RDF2VecTransformer`` class to