- ThreadBaseScheduler added to improve the performance of scheduler
- robots.txt supported!
- elasticsearch database backend supported!
- new script callback `on_finished`, http://docs.pyspider.org/en/latest/About-Projects/on_finished-callback
- you can now set the delay time between retries:
> retry_delay is a dict to specify retry intervals. The items in the dict
> are {retried: seconds}, and a special key: '' (empty string) is used to
> specify the default retry delay if not specified.
- dict parameters in crawl_config, config will be merged (e.g. headers), thanks to ihipop
- add parameter `max_redirects` in `self.crawl` to control maximum redirect numbers when doing the fetch, thanks to AtaLuZiK
- add parameter `validate_cert` in `self.crawl` to ignore the error of server’s certificate.
- new property `etree` for Response, `etree` is a cached lxml.html.HtmlElement object, thanks to waveyeung
- you can now pass arguments to phantomjs from command line or config file.
- support for pymongo 3.0
- local.projectdb now accept a glob path (e.g. script/*.py) to load multiple projects from local filesystem.
- queue size in the dashboard is not working for osx, thanks to xyb
- counters in dashboard will shown for stopped projects
- other bug fix