What's Changed
* Define formal grammar in EBNF, add interactive railroad diagrams by leondutoit in https://github.com/unioslo/pysquril/pull/61
* link to EBNF and RR diagrams from readme by leondutoit in https://github.com/unioslo/pysquril/pull/62
* allow deleting data without storing deletions in audit by leondutoit in https://github.com/unioslo/pysquril/pull/64
* Optional audit for create and read events by leondutoit in https://github.com/unioslo/pysquril/pull/65
* Add library description, usage docs by leondutoit in https://github.com/unioslo/pysquril/pull/66
* More robust interaction with audit tables by leondutoit in https://github.com/unioslo/pysquril/pull/68
* Improve query documentation by leondutoit in https://github.com/unioslo/pysquril/pull/70
* Expand EBNF to cover messages and restore, add more examples by leondutoit in https://github.com/unioslo/pysquril/pull/71
* bump to 0.7.0 by leondutoit in https://github.com/unioslo/pysquril/pull/72
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/unioslo/pysquril/compare/v0.6.2...v0.7.0