The significant new features of PySys 1.6.0 are grouped around a few themes:
- a new "plugins" concept to encourage a more modular style when sharing functionality between tests;
- easier validation with the new `BaseTest.assertThatGrep()` method, which extracts a value using a grep
expression and then checks its value is as expected. For extract-and-assert use cases this approach gives much
clearer messages when the assert fails than using assertGrep;
- new writers for recording test results, including GitHub(R) Actions support and a writer that produces .zip
archives of test output directories, plus new APIs to allow writers to publish artifacts, and to visit each of
the test's output files;
- a library of line mappers for more powerful copy and grep line pre-processing;
- process starting enhancements such as `BaseTest.waitForBackgroundProcesses()`, automatic logging of stderr when
a process fails, and `BaseTest.waitForGrep()` can now abort based on error messages in a different file;
- several and project configuration enhancements that make running and configuring PySys easier.
- a new "getting started" `sample <>`_ project which can be
easily forked from GitHub(R) to create new PySys-based projects. The sample also demonstrates common techniques
and best practices for writing tests in PySys.
As this is a major release of PySys there are also some changes in this release that may require changes to your
project configuration file and/or runner/basetest/writer framework extension classes you've written (though in most
cases it won't be necessary to change individual tests). These breaking changes are either to reduce the chance of
errors going undetected, or to support bug fixes and implementation simplification. So be sure to look at the upgrade
guide below if you want to switch an existing project to use the new version.
New Plugin API
This release introduces a new concept: test and runner "plugins" which provide shared functionality available for
use in testcases.
Existing users will be familiar with the pattern of creating one or more BaseTest framework subclasses to provide a
convenient place for functionality needed by many tests, such as launching the applications you're testing, or
starting compilation or deployment tools. This traditional approach of using *inheritance* to share functionality does
have some merits, but in many projects it can lead to unhelpful complexity because:
a) it's not always clear what functionality is provided by your custom subclasses rather than by PySys itself
(which makes it hard to know which documentation to look at)
b) there is no automatic namespacing to prevent custom functionality clashing with methods PySys may add in future
c) sometimes a test needs functionality from more than one base class, and it's easy to get multiple inheritance
d) none of this really lends itself well to third parties implementing and distributing additional PySys
capabilities to support additional tools/languages etc
So, in this release we introduce the concept of "plugins" which use *composition* rather than *inheritance* to
provide a simpler way to share functionality across tests. There are currently 3 kinds of plugin:
- **test plugins** NB: as of PySys 2.2 these are no longer recommended - instead the "helper class" paradigm is preferred.
- **runner plugins**; these are instantiated just once per invocation of PySys, by the BaseRunner,
before `pysys.baserunner.BaseRunner.setup()` is called. Unlike test plugins, any processes or state they maintain are
shared across all tests. These can be used to start servers/VMs that are shared across tests.
Runner plugins are configured with ``<runner-plugin classname="..." alias="..."/>`` and can be any Python
class provided it has a method ``setup(self, runner)`` (and no constructor arguments).
- **writer plugins**: this kind of plugin has existed in PySys for many releases and are effectively a special kind of
runner plugin with extra callbacks to allow them to write test results and/or output files to a variety of
destinations. Writers must implement a similar but different interface to other runner plugins; see `pysys.writer`
for details. They can be used for everything from writing test outcome to an XML file, to archiving output files, to
collecting files from each test output and using them to generate a code coverage report during cleanup at the end
of the run.
A test plugin could look like this::
class MyTestPlugin(object):
myPluginProperty = 'default value'
Example of a plugin configuration property. The value for this plugin instance can be overridden using ``<property .../>``.
Types such as boolean/list[str]/int/float will be automatically converted from string.
def setup(self, testObj):
self.owner = self.testObj = testObj
self.log = logging.getLogger('pysys.myorg.MyRunnerPlugin')'Created MyTestPlugin instance with myPluginProperty=%s', self.myPluginProperty)
def __myPluginCleanup(self):'Cleaning up MyTestPlugin instance')
An example of providing a method that can be accessed from each test
def getPythonVersion(self):
self.owner.startProcess(sys.executable, arguments=['--version'], stdouterr='MyTestPlugin.pythonVersion')
return self.owner.waitForGrep('MyTestPlugin.pythonVersion.out', '(?P<output>.+)')['output'].strip()
With configuration like this::
<test-plugin classname="myorg.testplugin.MyTestPlugin" alias="myalias"/>
... you can now access methods defined by the plugin from your tests using ``self.myalias.getPythonVersion()``.
You can add any number of test and/or runner plugins to your project, perhaps a mixture of custom plugins specific
to your application, and third party PySys plugins supporting standard tools and languages.
In addition to the alias-based lookup, plugins can get a list of the other plugin instances added through the XML
using ``self.testPlugins`` (from `BaseTest`) or ``self.runnerPlugins`` (from `pysys.baserunner.BaseRunner`), which
provides a way for plugins to reference each other without depending on the aliases that may be in use in a
particular project configuration.
For examples of the project configuration, including how to set plugin-specific properties that will be passed to
its constructor, see the sample ``pysysproject.xml`` file.
New and improved result writers
- Added `pysys.writer.testoutput.TestOutputArchiveWriter` that creates zip archives of each failed test's output directory,
producing artifacts that could be uploaded to a CI system or file share to allow the failures to be analysed.
Properties are provided to allow detailed control of the maximum number and size of archives generated, and the
files to include/exclude.
- Added `` which if added to your pysysproject.xml will automatically enable
various features when run from GitHub(R) Actions including annotations summarizing failures, grouping/folding of
detailed test output, and setting output variables for published artifacts (e.g. performance .csv files, archived
test output etc) which can be used to upload the artifacts when present.
See `` for an example workflow file you can copy into your
own project.
This uses the new `pysys.writer.api.TestOutcomeSummaryGenerator` mix-in class that can be used when implementing CI
writers to get a summary of test outcomes.
- Added `pysys.writer.api.ArtifactPublisher` interface which can be implemented by writers that support some concept of
artifact publishing, for example CI providers that 'upload' artifacts. Artifacts are published by
various `pysys.utils.perfreporter.CSVPerformanceReporter` and various writers
including `pysys.writer.testoutput.TestOutputArchiveWriter`.
- Added `pysys.writer.testoutput.CollectTestOutputWriter` which supercedes the ``collect-test-output`` feature,
providing a more powerful way to collect files of interest (e.g. performance graphs, code coverage files, etc) from
all tests and collate them into a single directory and optionally a .zip archive.
This uses the new `pysys.writer.api.TestOutputVisitor` writer interface which can be implemented by writers that wish
to visit each (non-zero) file in the test output directory after each test.
The CollectTestOutputWriter can be used standalone, or as a base class for writers that collect a particular kind
of file (e.g. code coverage) and then do something with it during the runner cleanup phase when all tests have
- Moved Python code coverage generation out to ``pysys.writer.testoutput.PythonCoverageWriter`` (as of 2.0,
it's now in `pysys.writer.coverage.PythonCoverageWriter`) as an example of how to use a plugin to add
code coverage support without subclassing the runner. Existing projects use this behind the scenes, but new projects
should add the writer to their configuration explicitly if they need it (see sample project).
- Added `pysys.writer.console.ConsoleFailureAnnotationsWriter` that prints a single annotation line to stdout for each test
failure, for the benefit of IDEs and CI providers that can highlight failures found by regular expression stdout
parsing. An instance of this writer is automatically added to every project, and enables itself if
the ``PYSYS_CONSOLE_FAILURE_ANNOTATIONS`` environment variable is set, producing make-style console output::
C:\project\test\MyTest_001\ error: TIMED OUT - Reason for timed out outcome is general tardiness (MyTest_001 [CYCLE 02])
The format can be customized using the ``PYSYS_CONSOLE_FAILURE_ANNOTATIONS`` environment variable, or alternatively
additional instances can be added to the project writers configuration and configured using the properties
described in the writer class.
- Added a ``runDetails`` dictionary to `pysys.baserunner.BaseRunner`. This is a dictionary of string metadata about
this test run, and is included in performance summary CSV reports and by some writers. The console summary writer
logs the runDetails when executing 2 or more tests.
The default runDetails contains a few standard values (currently these include ``outDirName``, ``hostname``, ``os``
and ``startTime``). Additional items can be added by runner subclasses in the `pysys.baserunner.BaseRunner.setup()`
method - for example you could add the build number of your application (perhaps read
using `pysys.utils.fileutils.loadProperties()`).
If you had previously created a custom `pysys.utils.perfreporter.CSVPerformanceReporter.getRunDetails()` method it
is recommended to remove it and instead provide the same information in the runner ``runDetails``.
- Added property ``versionControlGetCommitCommand`` which if set results in the specified command line
being executed (in the testRootDir) when the test run starts and used to populate the ``vcsCommit`` key in the
runner's ``runDetails`` with a commit/revision number from your version control system. This is a convenient way to
ensure writers and performance reports include the version of the application you're testing with.
There are also some more minor enhancements to the writers:
- The `pysys.writer` module has been split up into separate submodules. However the writers module imports all symbols
from the new submodules, so no change is required in your code or projects that reference pysys.writer.XXX classes.
- Added `pysys.writer.console.ConsoleSummaryResultsWriter` property for ``showTestTitle`` (default=False) as sometimes seeing
the titles of tests can be helpful when triaging results. There is also a new ``showTestDir`` which allows the
testDir to be displayed in addition to the output dir in cases where the output dir is not located underneath
the test dir (due to --outdir). Also changed the defaults for some other properties to
showOutcomeReason=True and showOutputDir=True, which are recommended for better visibility into why tests failed.
They can be disabled if desired in the project configuration.
- Added a summary of INSPECT and NOTVERIFIED outcomes at the end of test execution (similar to the existing failures
summary), since often these outcomes do require human attention. This can be disabled using the properties on
`pysys.writer.console.ConsoleSummaryResultsWriter` if desired.
- Added `pysys.utils.logutils.stripANSIEscapeCodes()` which can be used to remove ANSI escape codes such as console
color instructions from the ``runLogOutput=`` parameter of a custom writer (`pysys.writer.api.BaseResultsWriter`),
since usually you wouldn't want these if writing the output to a file.
More powerful copy and line mapping
Manipulating the contents of text files is a very common task in system tests, and this version of PySys has
several improvements that make this easier:
- PySys now comes with some predefined mappers for common pre-processing tasks such as selecting multiple lines of
interest between two regular expressions, and stripping out timestamps and other regular expressions.
These can be found in the new `pysys.mappers` module and are particularly useful when using `BaseTest.copy()` to
pre-process a file before calling `BaseTest.assertDiff` to compare it to a reference file. For example::
self.assertDiff(self.copy('myfile.txt', 'myfile-processed.txt', mappers=[
pysys.mappers.IncludeLinesBetween('Error message .*:', stopBefore='^$'),
pysys.mappers.RegexReplace(pysys.mappers.RegexReplace.DATETIME_REGEX, '<timestamp>'),
(Note that for convenience we use the fact that copy() returns the destination path to allow passing it directly
as the first file for assertDiff to work on).
- `BaseTest.assertGrep` has a new mappers= argument that can be used to pre-process the lines of a file before
grepping using any mapper function. The main use of this is to allow grepping within a range of lines, as defined by
the `pysys.mappers.IncludeLinesBetween` mapper::
self.assertGrep('example.log', expr=r'MyClass', mappers=[
pysys.mappers.IncludeLinesBetween('Error message.* - stack trace is:', stopBefore='^$') ])
This is more reliable than trying to achieve the same effect with `BaseTest.assertOrderedGrep` (which can give
incorrect results if the section markers appear more than once in the file). Therefore, in most cases it's best to
avoid assertOrderedGrep() and instead try to use `BaseTest.assertDiff` or `BaseTest.assertGrep`.
- `BaseTest.waitForGrep` and `BaseTest.getExprFromFile` also now support a mappers= argument.
- When used from `BaseTest.copy` there is also support for line mappers to be notified when starting/finishing a new
file, which allows for complex and stateful transformation of file contents based on file types/path if needed.
- `BaseTest.copy` can now be used to copy directories in addition to individual files.
It is recommended to use this method instead of ``shutil.copytree`` as it provides a number of benefits including
better error safety, long path support, and the ability to copy over an existing directory.
- `BaseTest.copy` now permits the source and destination to be the same (except for directory copies) which allows it
to be used for in-place transformations.
- `BaseTest.copy` now copies all file attributes including date/time, not just the Unix permissions/mode.
Assertion improvements
- Added `BaseTest.assertThatGrep()` which makes it easier to do the common operation of extracting a value using grep
and then performing a validation on it using `BaseTest.assertThat`.
This is essentially a simplified wrapper around the functionality added in 1.5.1, but avoids the need for slightly
complex syntax and hopefully will encourage people to use the extract-then-assert paradigm rather than trying to do
them both at the same time with a single `BaseTest.assertGrep` which is less powerful and produces much less
informative messages when there's a failure.
The new method is very easy to use::
self.assertThatGrep('myserver.log', r'Successfully authenticated user "([^"]*)"',
"value == expected", expected='myuser')
In cases where you need multiple regex groups for matching purpose, name the one containing the value using (?P<value>...)
self.assertThatGrep('myserver.log', r'Successfully authenticated user "([^"]*)" in (?P<value>[^ ]+) seconds',
"0.0 <= float(value) <= 60.0")
- All assertion methods that have the (deprecated and unnecessary) ``filedir`` as their second positional (non-keyword)
argument now support the more natural pattern of giving the expr/exprList as the second positional argument,
so instead of doing ``self.assertGrep('file', expr='Foo.*')`` you can also now use the more
natural ``self.assertGrep('file', 'Foo.*')``. For compatibility with existing testcases, the old signature of
``self.assertGrep('file', 'filedir', [expr=]'expr')`` continues to behave as before, but the recommended usage
in new tests is now to avoid all use of filedir as a positional argument for consistency and readability. (If you
need to set the filedir, you can use the keyword argument or just add it as a prefix to the ``file`` argument).
Simpler process handling
- `BaseTest.startProcess()` now logs the last few lines of stderr before aborting the test when a process fails. This
behaviour can be customized with a new ``onError=`` parameter::
Log stdout instead of stderr
self.startProcess(..., onError=lambda process: self.logFileContents(process.stdout, tail=True))
Unless stderr is empty, log it and then use it to extract an error message (which will appear in the outcome reason)
self.startProcess(..., onError=lambda process: self.logFileContents(process.stderr, tail=True) and self.getExprFromFile(process.stderr, 'Error: (.*)')
Do nothing on error
self.startProcess(..., onError=lambda process: None)
- `BaseTest.waitForGrep` has a new optional ``errorIf=`` parameter that accepts a function which can trigger an abort
if it detects an error condition (not only in the file being waited on, as ``errorExpr=`` does). For example::
self.waitForGrep('myoutput.txt', expr='My message', encoding='utf-8',
process=myprocess, errorIf=lambda: self.getExprFromFile('myprocess.log', ' ERROR .*', returnNoneIfMissing=True))
- `BaseTest.waitProcess()` now has a ``checkExitStatus=`` argument that can be used to check the return code of the
process for success.
- Added `BaseTest.waitForBackgroundProcesses()` which waits for completion of all background processes and optionally
checks for the expected exit status. This is especially useful when you have a test that needs to execute
lots of processes but doesn't care about the order they execute in, since having them all execute concurrently in the
background and then calling waitForBackgroundProcesses() will be a lot quicker than executing them serially in the
- Added a way to set global defaults for environment variables that will be used by `BaseTest.startProcess()`, using
project properties. For example, to set the ``JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS`` environment variable that Java(R) uses for JVM
<property name="defaultEnvirons.JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS" value="-Xmx512M"/>
When you want to set environment variables globally to affect all processes in all tests, this is simpler than
providing a custom override of `BaseTest.getDefaultEnvirons()`.
- `BaseTest.startProcess()` now accepts an ``info={}`` argument which can hold a dictionary of user-defined metadata
about the process such as port numbers, log file paths etc. and project configuration improvements
- Added environment variable ``PYSYS_DEFAULT_ARGS`` which can be used to specify default arguments that the current
user/machine should use with pysys run, to avoid the need to explicitly provide them on the command line
each time, for example::
PYSYS_DEFAULT_ARGS=--progress --outdir __pysys_outdir run
- The sample project file and project defaults introduce a new naming convention of ``__pysys_*`` for output
directories and files created by PySys (for example, by writers). This helps avoid outputs getting mixed up with
testcase directories and also allows for easier ignore rules for version control systems.
- Added command line option ``-j`` as an alias for ``--threads`` (to control the number of jobs/threads). The old
command line option ``-n`` continues to work, but ``-j`` is the main short name that's documented for it.
As an alternative to specifying an absolute number of threads, a multiplier of the number of cores in the machine
can be provided e.g. ``-j x1.5``. This could be useful in CI and other automated testing environments.
Finally, if only one test is selected it will single-threaded regardless of the ``--threads`` argument.
- Added support for including Python log messages for categories other than pysys.* in the PySys test output,
using a "python:" prefix on the category name, e.g.::
pysys run -v python:myorg.mycategory=debug
Note that this ``python:`` prefix is deprecated and no longer required from PySys 2.1 onwards.
- Added ``pysys run --ci`` option which automatically sets the best defaults for non-interactive execution of PySys
to make it easier to run in CI jobs. See ``pysys run --help`` for more information.
- Added convention of having a ``-XcodeCoverage`` command line option that enables coverage for all supported
languages. You may wish to add support for this is you have a plugin providing support for a different language.
- Added a standard property ``${os}`` to the project file for finer-grained control of platform-specific properties.
The new ``${os}`` property gets its value from Python's ``platform.system().lower()``, and has values such
as ``windows``, ``linux``, ``darwin``, etc. For comparison the existing ``${osfamily}`` is always either
``windows`` or ``unix``.
- Added a standard property ``${outDirName}`` to the project file which is the basename from the ``-outdir``, giving
a user-customizable "name" for the current test run that can be used in project property paths to keep test
runs separate, for example, this could be used to label performance CSV files from separate test runs with
``--outdir perf_baseline`` and ``--outdir after_perf_improvements``.
- The standard project property ``testRootDir`` is now defined automatically without the need to
add the boilerplate ``<property root="testRootDir"/>`` to your project configuration. The old property name ``root``
continues to be defined for compatibility with older projects.
- When importing a properties file using ``<property file=... />" there are some new attributes available for
controlling how the properties are imported: ``includes=`` and ``excludes=`` allow a regular expression to be
specified to control which properties keys in the file will be imported, and ``prefix=`` allows a string prefix to
be added onto every imported property, which provides namespacing so you know where each property came from and a
way to ensure there is no clash with other properties.
- Added a handler for notifications from Python's ''warnings'' module so that any warnings are logged to run.log with
a stack trace (rather than just in stderr which is hard to track down). There is also a summary WARN log message at
the end of the test run if any Python warnings were encountered. There is however no error so users can choose when
and whether to deal with the warnings.
- Colored output is disabled if the ``NO_COLOR`` environment variable is set; this is a cross-product standard
( The ``PYSYS_COLOR`` variable take precedence if set.
- Code coverage can now be disabled automatically for tests where it is not wanted (e.g. performance tests) by adding
the ``disableCoverage`` group to the ``pysystest.*`` descriptor, or the ``pysysdirconfig.xml`` for a whole
directory. This is equivalent to setting the ``self.disableCoverage`` attribute on the base test.
- `Python code coverage <pysys.writer.coverage.PythonCoverageWriter>` now produces an XML ``coverage.xml`` report
in addition to the ``.coverage`` file and HTML report. This is useful for some code coverage UI/aggregation services.
- The prefix "__" is now used for many files and directories PySys creates, to make it easier to spot which are
generated artifacts rather than checked in files. You may want to add ``__pysys_*`` and possibly ``__coverage_*``
to your version control system's ignore patterns so that paths created by the PySys runner and performance/writer
log files don't show up in your local changes.
Miscellaneous test API improvements
- Added `pysys.utils.fileutils.loadProperties()` for reading .properties files, and `pysys.utils.fileutils.loadJSON()`
for loading .json files.
- `BaseTest.logFileContents` now has a global variable ``self.logFileContentsDefaultExcludes`` (default ``[]``) which
it uses to specify the line exclusion regular expressions if no ``excludes=[...]`` is passed as a parameter. This
provides a convenient way to filter out lines that you usually don't care about at a global level (e.g. from a
`BaseTest.setup` method shared by all tests), such as unimportant lines logged to stderr during startup of
commonly used processes which would otherwise be logged by `BaseTest.startProcess` when a process fails to start.
- Added `BaseTest.disableLogging()` for cases where you need to pause logging (e.g. while repeatedly polling) to avoid
cluttering the run log.
- Added `pysys.config.project.Project.getProperty()` which is a convenient and safe way to get a project property
of bool/int/float/list[str] type. Also added `pysys.baserunner.BaseRunner.getXArg()` which does the same thing for
``-Xkey=value`` arguments.
- `BaseTest.getExprFromFile` now supports ``(?P<groupName>...)`` named regular expression groups, and will return
a dictionary containing the matched groups if any are present in the regular expression. For example::
authInfo = self.getExprFromFile('myserver.log', expr=r'Successfully authenticated user "(?P<username>[^"]*)" in (?P<authSecs>[^ ]+) seconds\.'))
- Added `BaseTest.getOutcomeLocation()` which can be used from custom writers to record the file and line number
corresponding to the outcome, if known.
Bug fixes
- In some cases foreground processes could be left running after timing out; this is now fixed.
- Ensure ANSI escape codes (e.g. for console coloring) do not appear in JUnit XML writer output files, or in test
outcome reasons.
- Setting the project property ``redirectPrintToLogger`` to any value (including ``false``) was treated as if
it had been set to ``true``; this is now fixed.
Upgrade guide and compatibility
As this is a major version release of PySys we have taken the opportunity to clean up some aspects which could
cause new errors or require changes. In many cases it will be necessary to make changes to your project configuration,
and code changes if you have created custom BaseRunner/BaseTest/writer subclasses - though individual tests will
generally not require changes, so the total migration effort should be small.
The changes that everyone should pay attention to are:
- The default values of several project properties have been changed to reflect best practice.
If you are migrating an existing project we recommend sticking with the current behaviour to start with, by adding
the following properties to your project configuration (except for any that you already define ``<property .../>``
overrides for). Then once the PySys upgrade is complete and all tests passing you can switch to some of the new
defaults (by removing these properties) if and when convenient.
The properties you should set to keep the same behaviour as pre-1.6.0 versions of PySys are::
<!-- Whether tests will by default report a failure outcome when a process completes with a non-zero return code.
The default value as specified below will be used when the ignoreExitStatus= parameter to the function is not
specified. The default was changed to false in PySys 1.6.0. -->
<property name="defaultIgnoreExitStatus" value="true"/>
<!-- Whether tests will abort as soon as a process or wait operation completes with errors, rather than attempting
to limp on. The default value as specified below will be used when the abortOnError parameter to the function
is not specified. Default was changed to true in PySys 1.6.0. -->
<property name="defaultAbortOnError" value="false"/>
<!-- Recommended behaviour is to NOT strip whitespace unless explicitly requested with the stripWhitespace=
option; this option exists to keep compatibility for old projects. The default was changed to false
in PySys 1.6.0. -->
<property name="defaultAssertDiffStripWhitespace" value="true"/>
<!-- Overrides the default name use to for the runner's ``self.output`` directory (which may be used for things
like code coverage reports, temporary files etc).
The default was changed to "__pysys_runner.${outDirName}" in PySys 1.6.0.
If a relative path is specified, it is relative to the testRootDir, or if an absolute --outdir was specified,
relative to that directory.
<property name="pysysRunnerDirName" value="pysys-runner-${outDirName}"/>
<!-- Overrides the default name use to for the performance summary .csv file. The default was changed to
"__pysys_performance/${outDirName}_${hostname}/perf_${startDate}_${startTime}.${outDirName}.csv" in PySys 1.6.0.
<property name="csvPerformanceReporterSummaryFile" value="performance_output/${outDirName}_${hostname}/perf_${startDate}_${startTime}.csv"/>
<!-- Set this to true unless you used the "mode" feature before it was redesigned in PySys 1.4.1. -->
<property name="supportMultipleModesPerRun" value="false"/>
<!-- Set temporary directory end var for child processes to the testcase output directory to avoid cluttering up
common file locations. Empty string means don't do this. "self.output" is recommended.
<property name="defaultEnvironsTempDir" value=""/>
<!-- Controls whether print() and sys.stdout.write() statements will be automatically converted into
calls. If redirection is disabled, output from print() statements will not be captured in run.log files and will
often not appear in the correct place on the console when running multi-threaded.
Note that this affects custom writers as well as testcases. If you have a custom writer, use
pysys.utils.logutils.stdoutPrint() to write to stdout without any redirection. -->
<property name="redirectPrintToLogger" value="false"/>
<!-- Produces more informative messages from waitForGrep/Signal. Can be set to false for the terser behaviour if
preferred. -->
<property name="verboseWaitForGrep" value="false"/>
The list is ordered with the properties most likely to break existing tests at the top of the list, so you may wish
to start with the easier ones at the bottom of the list.
- If you have testcases using the non-standard descriptor filenames ``.pysystest`` or ``descriptor.xml`` (rather
than the usual ``pysystest.xml``) they will not be found by this version of PySys by default, so action is required
to have them execute as normal. If you wish to avoid renaming the files, just set the new project
property ``pysysTestDescriptorFileNames`` to a comma-separated list of the names you want to use,
e.g. "pysystest.xml, .pysystest, descriptor.xml".
If you use the non-standard filename ``.pysysproject`` rather than ``pysysproject.xml`` for your project
configuration file you will need to rename it.
- If your BaseTest or BaseRunner makes use of ``-Xkey[=value]`` command line overrides with int/float/bool/list types, you
should review your code and/or test thoroughly as there are now automatic conversions from string to int/float/bool/list[str]
in some cases where previously the string type would have been retained.
a) -Xkey and -Xkey=true/false now consistently produce a boolean True/False
(previously -Xkey=true would produce a string ``"true"`` whereas -Xkey would produce a boolean ``True``) and
b) -X attributes set on BaseRunner now undergo conversion from string to match the bool/int/float/list type of the
default value if a static field of that name already exists on the runner class (which brings BaseRunner into line
with the behaviour that BaseTest has had since 1.5.0, and also adds support for the ``list`` type). This applies to
the attributes set on the object, but not to the contents of the xargs dictionary.
The same type conversion applies to any custom `pysys.writer` classes, so if you have a static variable providing a
default value, then in this version the variable will be set to the type of that bool/int/float/list rather than to
So, as well as checking your tests still pass you should test that the configuration of your writers
and `` run -X`` handling is also working as expected.
- Since `BaseTest.startProcess` now logs stderr/out automatically before aborting, if you previously wrote extensions
that manually log stderr/out after process failures (in a try...except/finally block), you may wish to remove them
to avoid duplication, or change them to use the new ``onError=`` mechanism.
- The default directory for performance output is now under ``__pysys_performance/`` rather than
``performance_output/``, so if you have any tooling that picks up these files you will need to redirect it, or set the
``csvPerformanceReporterSummaryFile`` project property described above. The default filename also includes
the ``${outDirName}``. See `pysys.utils.perfreporter`.
Be sure to remove use of the following deprecated items at your earliest convenience:
- Deprecated the ``ThreadFilter`` class. Usually it is not recommended
to suppress log output and better alternatives are available, e.g. the quiet=True option for `BaseTest.startProcess`,
and the `BaseTest.disableLogging()` method.
Please remove uses of ThreadFilter from your code as it will be removed in a future release.
- The method `pysys.basetest.BaseTest.addResource` is deprecated and will be removed in a future release, so please
change tests to stop using it; use `pysys.basetest.BaseTest.addCleanupFunction` instead.
- The ``pysys.process.commonwrapper.CommonProcessWrapper`` class is now renamed to `pysys.process.Process`. A
redirection module exists, so any code that depends on the old location will still work, but please change references
to the new name the old one will be removed in a future release.
- If you need code coverage of a Python application, instead of the built-in python coverage support e.g.::
<property name="pythonCoverageDir" value="__coverage_python.${outDirName}"/>
<property name="pythonCoverageArgs" value="--rcfile=${testRootDir}/python_coveragerc"/>
<collect-test-output pattern=".coverage*" outputDir="${pythonCoverageDir}" outputPattern="FILENAME_TESTID_UNIQUE"/>
change to using the new writer, e.g.::
<writer classname="pysys.writer.testoutput.PythonCoverageWriter">
<property name="destDir" value="__coverage_python.${outDirName}"/>
<property name="pythonCoverageArgs" value="--rcfile=${testRootDir}/python_coveragerc"/>
(if using 2.0+, use `pysys.writer.coverage.PythonCoverageWriter` instead of
Finally there are also some fixes, cleanup, and better error checking that *could* require changes (typically to
extension/framework classes rather than individual tests) but in most cases will not be noticed. Most users can ignore
the following list and consult it only if you get new test failures after upgrading PySys:
- Timestamps in process monitor output, writers, performance reporter and similar places are now in local time instead
of UTC.
This means these timestamps will match up with the times in run.log output which have always been local time.
- Performance CSV files contain some details about the test run. A couple of these have been renamed: ``time`` is
now ``startTime`` and ``outdir`` is now ``outDirName``. The keys and values can be changed as needed using
the ``runDetails`` field of `pysys.baserunner.BaseRunner`. It is encouraged to use this rather than the previous
mechanism of `pysys.utils.perfreporter.CSVPerformanceReporter.getRunDetails()`.
- Exceptions from cleanup functions will now lead to test failures whereas before they were only logged, so may have
easily gone unnoticed. You can disable this using the new "ignoreErrors=True" argument to
`BaseTest.addCleanupFunction` if desired.
- Properties files referenced in the project configuration are now read using UTF-8 encoding if possible, falling back
to ISO8859-1 if they contain invalid UTF-8. This follows Java(R) 9+ behaviour and provides for more stable results
than the previous PySys behaviour of using whatever the default locale encoding is, which does not conform to any
standard for .properties file and makes it impossible to share a .properties file across tests running in different
locales. The PySys implementation still does not claim to fully implement the .properties file format, for example
``\`` are treated as literals not escape sequences. See `pysys.utils.fileutils.loadProperties()` for details.
- Duplicate ``<property name="..." .../>`` project properties now produce an error to avoid unintentional mistakes.
However it is still permitted to overwrite project properties from a .properties file.
You can also use the new ``includes``/``excludes`` attributes when importing a .properties file to avoid clashes.
- PySys used to silently ignore project and writer properties that use a missing (or typo'd) property or environment
variable, setting it to "" (or the default value if specified). To ensure errors are noticed up-front, it is now a
fatal error if a property's value value cannot be resolved - unless a ``default=`` value is provided in which case
the default is used (but it would be an error if the default also references a non-existent variable). This is
unlikely to cause problems for working projects, however if you have some unused properties with invalid values you
may have to remove them. The new behaviour only applies to ``<property name="..." value="..." [default="..."]/>``
elements, it does not apply to properties read from .properties files, which still default to "" if unresolved.
Run your tests with ``-vDEBUG`` logging if you need help debugging properties problems.
- The ``PYSYS_PERMIT_NO_PROJECTFILE`` option is no longer supported - you must now have a pysysproject.xml file for
all projects.
- Writer, performance and code coverage logs now go under ``--outdir`` if an absolute ``--outdir`` path is specified
on the command line rather than the usual location under ``testDirRoot/``.
- On Windows the default output directory is now ``win`` rather than the (somewhat misleading) ``win32``.
There is no change to the value of PySys constants such as PLATFORM, just the default output directory. If you
prefer a different output directory on your machine you could customize it by setting environment variable
``PYSYS_DEFAULT_ARGS=--outdir __myoutputdir``.
- If you created a custom subclass of `pysys.utils.perfreporter.CSVPerformanceReporter` using the 1.3.0 release and
it does not yet have (and pass through to the superclass) a ``runner`` and/or ``**kwargs`` argument you will need
to add these, as an exception will be generated otherwise.
- Made it an error to change project properties after the project has been loaded. This was never intended, as projects
are immutable. In the unlikely event you do this, change to storing user-defined cross-test/global state in your
runner class instead.
- Project properties whose name clashes with one of the pre-defined fields of `pysys.config.project.Project`
(e.g. "properties" or "root") will no longer override those fields - which would most likely not work correctly
anyway. If you need to get a property whose name clashes with a built-in member, use
- PySys now checks that its working directory (``os.chdir()``) and environment (``os.environ``) have not been modified
during execution of tests (after `pysys.baserunner.BaseRunner.setup()'). Sometimes test authors do this by mistake
and it's extremely dangerous as it causes behaviour changes (and potentially file system race conditions) in
subsequent tests that can be very hard to debug.
The environment and working directory should only be modified for child processes not for PySys itself -
calling or overriding `BaseTest.getDefaultEnvirons()` is a good way to do this.
- Attempting to write to ``runDetails`` or ``pysys.constants.TIMEOUTS`` after `pysys.baserunner.BaseRunner.setup()`
has completed (e.g. from individual tests) is no longer permitted in the interests of safety.
- Changed the implementation of the outcome constants such as `pysys.constants.FAILED` to be an instance of class
`pysys.constants.Outcome` rather than an integer. It is unlikely this change will affect existing code (unless you
have created any custom outcome types, which is not documented). The use of objects to represent outcomes allows for
simpler and more efficient conversion to display name using a ``%s`` format string or ``str()`` without the need for
the LOOKUP dictionary (which still works, but is now deprecated). It also allows easier checking if an outcome
represents a failure using `pysys.constants.Outcome.isFailure()`. The `pysys.constants.PRECEDENT` constant is
deprecated in favor of `pysys.constants.OUTCOMES` which has an identical value.
- There is no longer a default writer so if you choose delete the <writers> element from your project you won't
have any writers.
- Removed undocumented ``TEST_TEMPLATE`` constant from ``pysys.basetest`` and ``DESCRIPTOR_TEMPLATE``
from `pysys.config.descriptor` (they're now constants on `pysys.launcher.console_make.ConsoleMakeTestHelper` if you
really need them, but this is unlikely and they are not part of the public PySys API).
- Removed deprecated and unused constant ``DTD`` from `pysys.config.project` and `pysys.config.descriptor`.
- Removed deprecated method ``purgeDirectory()`` from `pysys.baserunner.BaseRunner`
and `pysys.writer.outcomes.JUnitXMLResultsWriter`. Use `pysys.utils.fileutils.deletedir` instead.
- Removed deprecated classes ``ThreadedStreamHandler`` and ``ThreadedFileHandler`` from the
``pysys.`` module as there is no reason for PySys to provide these. These are trivial to implement using the
Python logging API if anyone does need similar functionality.
- `pysys.process.user.ProcessUser` no longer sets ``self.output``, and it sets ``self.input`` to the project's
testRootDir instead of the current directory. Since these are overridden by `pysys.basetest.BaseTest` and
`pysys.baserunner.BaseRunner` it is unlikely this will affect anyone.
- Changed the log messages at the end of a test run to say "THERE WERE NO FAILURES" instead of
"THERE WERE NO NON PASSES", and similarly for the "Summary of non passes:".
- `pysys.process.Process.wait` now raises an error if the specified timeout isn't a positive
number (giving the same behaviour as `BaseTest.waitProcess`) rather than the dangerous behaviour of waiting without
a timeout.
Release History