✨ What's new
* Completely replace `black` with `ruff` 87 astariul
* Add a github action to auto-update pre-commit hooks versions 92 astariul
* Truly automated coverage badge & coverage report in PR 105 astariul
📝 Documentation
* Update outdated content from the docs 74 astariul
* Update README 76 astariul
* Add `gh` command example for forking the repo 88 bernhardkaindl
👷 Chores
* Upgrade dependencies versions 78 80 85 86 90 astariul
* Upgrade github actions versions 81 82 dependabot
* Upgrade pre-commit hooks versions 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 104 github-actions
* Better naming for github actions jobs 103 astariul
💚 New contributors