Released on 2015-12-07.
- [Bugfix] 18 - Allow ``caplog.records()`` to be modified. Thanks to Eldar Abusalimov for the PR and Marco Nenciarini for reporting the issue.
- [Bugfix] 15 17 - Restore Python 2.6 compatibility. (Thanks to Marco Nenciarini!)
.. attention::
Deprecation warning: the following objects (i.e. functions, properties)
are slated for removal in the next major release.
- ``caplog.at_level`` and ``caplog.set_level`` should be used instead of
``caplog.atLevel`` and ``caplog.setLevel``.
The methods ``caplog.atLevel`` and ``caplog.setLevel`` are still
available but deprecated and not supported since they don't follow
the PEP8 convention for method names.
- ``caplog.text``, ``caplog.records`` and
``caplog.record_tuples`` were turned into properties.
They still can be used as regular methods for backward compatibility,
but that syntax is considered deprecated and scheduled for removal in
the next major release.