- `EasyMarker` API improvements: now a single `mode` argument with four supported values (`'silos'`, `'extender'`, `hard_filter`, `soft_filter`) replaces the very unfriendly `filtering_skips_unmarked` and `not_filtering_skips_marked`. This argument is mandatory, so that users have to decide what they want as a resulting behaviour. Fixes [5](https://github.com/smarie/python-pytest-pilot/issues/5)
- Markers without arguments (`EasyMarker(has_arg=False)`) now work correctly. Fixes [8](https://github.com/smarie/python-pytest-pilot/issues/8)
- Short command option name (`EasyMarker(cmdoption_short=...)`) is now registered correctly. Fixed [9](https://github.com/smarie/python-pytest-pilot/issues/9)
- `allowed_values` are now correctly taken into account by `EasyMarker`. Fixes [1](https://github.com/smarie/python-pytest-pilot/issues/1)
- Removed annoying warning about marks registration. Fixes [6](https://github.com/smarie/python-pytest-pilot/issues/6)
- Improved the various messages printed when using `pytest --markers` and `pytest --help`. In particular, using `--markers` shows the allowed values for a given marker.