- ``statsd`` integration (optional requirement) for advanced test metrics using statsd/graphite.
If you install pytest play with the optional statsd support with ``pytest-play[statsd]``
you will get the additional dependency ``statsd`` client and you can use the same cli
options defined by the ``pytest-statsd`` plugin (e.g.,
``--stats-d [--stats-prefix myproject --stats-host http://myserver.com --stats-port 3000]``).
Note well: despite the above cli options are the same defined by the ``pytest-statsd`` plugin,
at this time of writing ``pytest-statsd`` is not a ``pytest-play`` dependency
so you won't get stats about number of failures, passing, etc but only stats tracked by
``pytest-play``. If you need them you can install ``pytest-statsd`` (it plays well with ``pytest-play``)