* Enable Unix sockets selectively with --allow-unix-socket 54
* Test refactor, add CodeQL scanning
* Correctly subclass socket.socket 50
* Add testing against Python 3.9, Dropped testing against Python 3.5
* Doc updates
What's Changed
* chore(deps): update dependency pytest to v6 by renovate in https://github.com/miketheman/pytest-socket/pull/44
* Create codeql-analysis.yml by miketheman in https://github.com/miketheman/pytest-socket/pull/46
* chore(deps): update actions/setup-python action to v2 by renovate in https://github.com/miketheman/pytest-socket/pull/48
* test: add testing on Python 3.9 by miketheman in https://github.com/miketheman/pytest-socket/pull/52
* chore: remove support for python 3.5 by miketheman in https://github.com/miketheman/pytest-socket/pull/53
* Avoid changing the type of `socket.socket` to function. by matthewwardrop in https://github.com/miketheman/pytest-socket/pull/50
* Sourcery Starbot ⭐ refactored miketheman/pytest-socket by sourcery-ai-bot in https://github.com/miketheman/pytest-socket/pull/55
* Don't block unix sockets by joetsoi in https://github.com/miketheman/pytest-socket/pull/54
* docs: add details on fixture scope by miketheman in https://github.com/miketheman/pytest-socket/pull/61
* chore: replace rst with markdown by miketheman in https://github.com/miketheman/pytest-socket/pull/62
* test: add testing for some async frameworks by miketheman in https://github.com/miketheman/pytest-socket/pull/63
New Contributors
* matthewwardrop made their first contribution in https://github.com/miketheman/pytest-socket/pull/50
* sourcery-ai-bot made their first contribution in https://github.com/miketheman/pytest-socket/pull/55
* joetsoi made their first contribution in https://github.com/miketheman/pytest-socket/pull/54
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/miketheman/pytest-socket/compare/0.3.5...0.4.0