What's Changed
* Update dependency lint/ruff to v0.0.278 by renovate in https://github.com/lengau/pytest-time/pull/4
* Update development dependencies (non-major) - autoclosed by renovate in https://github.com/lengau/pytest-time/pull/3
* Update release-drafter/release-drafter action to v5.24.0 by renovate in https://github.com/lengau/pytest-time/pull/2
* Update dependency tox-gh to v1.3.1 by renovate in https://github.com/lengau/pytest-time/pull/7
* Update development dependencies (non-major) by renovate in https://github.com/lengau/pytest-time/pull/8
* chore(deps): update dependency lint/ruff to v0.0.290 by renovate in https://github.com/lengau/pytest-time/pull/6
* chore(deps): update actions/checkout action to v4 by renovate in https://github.com/lengau/pytest-time/pull/10
* chore(deps): update development dependencies (non-major) by renovate in https://github.com/lengau/pytest-time/pull/9
* Fix wrong example in README.rst by rnestler in https://github.com/lengau/pytest-time/pull/11
* chore: switch to uv by lengau in https://github.com/lengau/pytest-time/pull/13
* ci: test on multiple platforms by lengau in https://github.com/lengau/pytest-time/pull/14
* build(deps): update pyright by lengau in https://github.com/lengau/pytest-time/pull/15
* style: update and go all in on ruff by lengau in https://github.com/lengau/pytest-time/pull/16
* chore: deconfigure renovate by lengau in https://github.com/lengau/pytest-time/pull/17
* chore: Configure Renovate by renovate in https://github.com/lengau/pytest-time/pull/18
* chore(deps): update release-drafter/release-drafter action to v5.25.0 by renovate in https://github.com/lengau/pytest-time/pull/19
* chore(deps): update actions/setup-python action to v5 by renovate in https://github.com/lengau/pytest-time/pull/20
* ci: cache snaps by lengau in https://github.com/lengau/pytest-time/pull/21
New Contributors
* rnestler made their first contribution in https://github.com/lengau/pytest-time/pull/11
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/lengau/pytest-time/compare/v0.3.1...0.3.2