- Added new folding mode `--tui-fold-regex`. This mode allows specifying reg-ex's marking the beginning and end of a section that the user wants to fold. See README for details.
- Bumped `rich` library version to 12.6.0 to allow for use of SeleniumBase library during testing.
- Fixed issue 100, where if the user does not specify the `--tui-fold-level` option, the HTML report will not render individual test cases correctly (they won't open/close when clicked). `--tui-fold-level ` is still supported but now if user does not specify it, the level defaults to WARNING, and displays the new Folded Output section anyway.
- Added comprehensive HTML page testing using SelniumBase.
- Fixed minor issue with bash test script not installing faker lib.
- Fixed exception issue when specifying non-default output filename for HTML report.